
Gitolfs3: a very simple Git LFS server

License: MIT

Gitolfs3 has a singular purpose: provide me with a personal Git LFS server that I can run on my VPS, that stores objects in S3. It seems to be doing an okay job at it so far.

The name 'Gitolfs3' started as some kind of concoction of Gitolite, LFS and S3. These days, this project has nothing to do with Gitolite because I don't use Gitolite anymore. (It was too extensive for my use case, and I prefer to keep the complexity of my system down as much as possible.)

Currently, it has the following features:

  • Storage with S3-compatible services (at the moment of writing, I am using Scaleway Object Storage for this purpose).
  • Git LFS Batch API support. Only the basic transfer adapter is supported. Only SHA256 Object IDs (OIDs) are supported.
  • git-lfs-authenticate is provided for authentication over SSH. File transfer over SSH using git-lfs-transfer is not supported.
  • A Git shell is provided so that I can stay sane. (I don't recall 100%, but I believe this was nice when wanting to push to some ssh://git@asdf/blabla.git repo without having to type /srv/git before the repo name. And I don't want to have to use something like Gitolite.)
  • Gitolfs3 does not require any kind of persistent nor temporary storage for token storage. Instead, user authentication/authorization between git-lfs-authenticate and the Gitolfs3 server is done using HMAC(-SHA256) MACs.
  • Limiting unauthenticated public downloads on a per-hour basis. Storage is required for this. (This feature is implemented pretty badly.)
  • Public/private repos based on the git-daemon-export-ok file in the bare repo. (I have a very particular setup in which this is desirable.)
    • Downloads for files in public repositories are 'proxied' through the Gitolfs3 server, at least when accessed from the public internet.
    • Unauthenticated users accessing the service over a private network (authorized by X-Fowarded-Host) can access all repositories. Downloads for these users are not proxied: instead, they are directed to pre-signed S3 download URLs.
    • Authenticated users can download and upload for all repositories, regardless of how they access the service.

This program, as it is, solely serves my needs. Although I may occasionally add some features or perform some cleanups (especially the server still requires some), I have no interest in making this program work for people with different use cases than me. In case you want to use this software, feel free to, but expect that you will basically have to 'make it your own'. If you have a burning question or find a security vulnerability, feel free to email me. I'm sure you'll manage to find my email address somewhere.

Nice-to-have features that I may implement at some point, when I feel a need to:

  • No namespacing on S3. (This would mean that having the same big file in two repositories would mean it is only stored on S3 once.)
  • Any kind of file deletion/garbage collection. If you ever have the need, you need to do this manually right now.
  • Resuming downloads.