package main import ( "bytes" "crypto/ed25519" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net/url" "os" "os/exec" "path" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "" "" ) type logger struct { reqID string time time.Time m sync.Mutex // Contained value must implement io.WriteCloser wc atomic.Value } func newLogger(reqID string) *logger { return &logger{reqID: reqID, time: time.Now()} } func (l *logger) writer() io.WriteCloser { w := l.wc.Load() if w == nil { l.m.Lock() if l.wc.Load() == nil { os.MkdirAll(".gitolfs3/logs/", 0o700) // Mode: drwx------ ts := l.time.Format("2006-01-02") path := fmt.Sprintf(".gitolfs3/logs/gitolfs3-%s-%s.log", ts, l.reqID) var err error if w, err = os.Create(path); err == nil { l.wc.Store(w) } } l.m.Unlock() } return w.(io.WriteCloser) } func (l *logger) logf(msg string, args ...any) { fmt.Fprintf(l.writer(), msg, args...) } func (l *logger) close() { if wc := l.wc.Load(); wc != nil { wc.(io.Closer).Close() } } func die(msg string, args ...any) { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "Error: ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, msg, args...) fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "\n") os.Exit(1) } func dieReqID(reqID string, msg string, args ...any) { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "Error: ") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, msg, args...) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " (request ID: %s)\n", reqID) os.Exit(1) } func getGitoliteAccess(logger *logger, reqID, path, user, gitolitePerm string) bool { // gitolite access -q: returns only exit code cmd := exec.Command("gitolite", "access", "-q", path, user, gitolitePerm) err := cmd.Run() permGranted := err == nil var exitErr *exec.ExitError if err != nil && !errors.As(err, &exitErr) { logger.logf("Failed to query access information (%s): %s", cmd, err) dieReqID(reqID, "failed to query access information") } return permGranted } type gitolfs3Claims struct { Repository string `json:"repository"` Permission string `json:"permission"` } type customClaims struct { Gitolfs3 gitolfs3Claims `json:"gitolfs3"` *jwt.RegisteredClaims } type authenticateResponse struct { // When providing href, the Git LFS client will use href as the base URL // instead of building the base URL using the Service Discovery mechanism. // It should end with /info/lfs. See // HRef string `json:"href,omitempty"` Header map[string]string `json:"header"` // In seconds. ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in,omitempty"` // The expires_at (RFC3339) property could also be used, but we leave it // out since we don't use it. } func wipe(b []byte) { for i := range b { b[i] = 0 } } func main() { // Even though not explicitly described in the Git LFS documentation, the // git-lfs-authenticate command is expected to either exit succesfully with // exit code 0 and to then print credentials in the prescribed JSON format // to standard out. On errors, the command should exit with a non-zero exit // code and print the error message in plain text to standard error. See // reqID := xid.New().String() logger := newLogger(reqID) if len(os.Args) != 3 { die("expected 2 arguments (path, operation), got %d", len(os.Args)-1) } repo := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSuffix(os.Args[1], ".git"), "/") operation := os.Args[2] if operation != "download" && operation != "upload" { die("expected operation to be upload or download, got %s", operation) } repoHRefBaseStr := os.Getenv("REPO_HREF_BASE") var repoHRefBase *url.URL var err error if repoHRefBaseStr != "" { if repoHRefBase, err = url.Parse(repoHRefBaseStr); err != nil { logger.logf("Failed to parse URL in environment variable REPO_HREF_BASE: %s", err) dieReqID(reqID, "internal error") } } user := os.Getenv("GL_USER") if user == "" { logger.logf("Environment variable GL_USER is not set") dieReqID(reqID, "internal error") } keyPath := os.Getenv("GITOLFS3_KEY_PATH") if keyPath == "" { logger.logf("Environment variable GITOLFS3_KEY_PATH is not set") dieReqID(reqID, "internal error") } keyStr, err := os.ReadFile(keyPath) if err != nil { logger.logf("Cannot read key in GITOLFS3_KEY_PATH: %s", err) dieReqID(reqID, "internal error") } keyStr = bytes.TrimSpace(keyStr) defer wipe(keyStr) if hex.DecodedLen(len(keyStr)) != ed25519.SeedSize { logger.logf("Fatal: provided private key (seed) is invalid: does not have expected length") dieReqID(reqID, "internal error") } seed := make([]byte, ed25519.SeedSize) defer wipe(seed) if _, err = hex.Decode(seed, keyStr); err != nil { logger.logf("Fatal: cannot decode provided private key (seed): %s", err) dieReqID(reqID, "internal error") } privateKey := ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(seed) if !getGitoliteAccess(logger, reqID, repo, user, "R") { die("repository not found") } if operation == "upload" && !getGitoliteAccess(logger, reqID, repo, user, "W") { // User has read access but no write access die("forbidden") } expiresIn := time.Hour * 24 claims := customClaims{ Gitolfs3: gitolfs3Claims{ Repository: repo, Permission: operation, }, RegisteredClaims: &jwt.RegisteredClaims{ Subject: user, IssuedAt: jwt.NewNumericDate(time.Now()), ExpiresAt: jwt.NewNumericDate(time.Now().Add(expiresIn)), }, } token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodEdDSA, claims) ss, err := token.SignedString(privateKey) if err != nil { logger.logf("Fatal: failed to generate JWT: %s", err) die("failed to generate token") } response := authenticateResponse{ Header: map[string]string{ "Authorization": "Bearer " + ss, }, ExpiresIn: int64(expiresIn.Seconds()), } if repoHRefBase != nil { response.HRef = repoHRefBase.ResolveReference(&url.URL{ Path: path.Join(repo+".git", "/info/lfs"), }).String() } json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout).Encode(response) }