.TH GITOLFS3-AUTHENTICATE 1 2024-04-29 Gitolfs3 "Gitolfs3 Manual" .SH NAME gitolfs3-authenticate \- Git LFS authentication agent for Gitolfs3 .SH SYNOPSIS .B gitolfs3-authenticate upload/download .SH DESCRIPTION .B git-lfs-authenticate is a Git LFS authentication agent for Gitolfs3. When accessible from the Git shell, .B git-lfs-authenticate can authorize users to access the Gitolfs3 Git LFS server. Although .B git-lfs-authenticate does assume that the user can be trusted, as they have access to the server, it is a good idea to restrict the shell for the \fIgit\fR user. For example, the user should not be able to modify environment variables, nor should the user be able to execute any arbitrary command. The Git shell provided by Gitolfs3 may be a good option. (See .BR gitolfs3-shell (1).) .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES .TP .B GITOLFS3_HREF_BASE .B Required. The base URL at which the Gitolfs3 server is available. Must end with a slash. .TP .B GITOLFS3_KEY_PATH .B Required. The path to the key which is used to authorize the request to the Gitolfs3 server.