Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii. Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Require Import Coq.NArith.BinNat. From stdpp Require Import fin_sets gmap option. From mininix Require Import expr maptools. Open Scope string_scope. Open Scope N_scope. Open Scope Z_scope. Open Scope nat_scope. Reserved Notation "bs '~' m '~>' brs" (at level 55). Inductive matches_r : gmap string expr → matcher → gmap string b_rhs -> Prop := | E_MatchEmpty strict : ∅ ~ M_Matcher ∅ strict ~> ∅ | E_MatchAny bs : bs ~ M_Matcher ∅ false ~> ∅ | E_MatchMandatory bs x e m bs' strict : bs !! x = None → m !! x = None → delete x bs ~ M_Matcher m strict ~> bs' → <[x := e]>bs ~ M_Matcher (<[x := M_Mandatory]>m) strict ~> <[x := B_Nonrec e]>bs' | E_MatchOptAvail bs x d e m bs' strict : bs !! x = None → m !! x = None → delete x bs ~ M_Matcher m strict ~> bs' → <[x := d]>bs ~ M_Matcher (<[x := M_Optional e]>m) strict ~> <[x := B_Nonrec d]>bs' | E_MatchOptDefault bs x e m bs' strict : bs !! x = None → m !! x = None → bs ~ M_Matcher m strict ~> bs' → bs ~ M_Matcher (<[x := M_Optional e]>m) strict ~> <[x := B_Rec e]>bs' where "bs ~ m ~> brs" := (matches_r bs m brs). Definition map_foldM `{Countable K} `{FinMap K M} `{MBind F} `{MRet F} {A B} (f : K → A → B → F B) (init : B) (m : M A) : F B := map_fold (λ i x acc, acc ≫= f i x) (mret init) m. Definition matches_aux_f (x : string) (rhs : m_rhs) (acc : option (gmap string expr * gmap string b_rhs)) := acc ← acc; let (bs, brs) := (acc : gmap string expr * gmap string b_rhs) in match rhs with | M_Mandatory => e ← bs !! x; Some (bs, <[x := B_Nonrec e]>brs) | M_Optional e => match bs !! x with | Some e' => Some (bs, <[x := B_Nonrec e']>brs) | None => Some (bs, <[x := B_Rec e]>brs) end end. Definition matches_aux (ms : gmap string m_rhs) (bs : gmap string expr) : option (gmap string expr * gmap string b_rhs) := map_fold matches_aux_f (Some (bs, ∅)) ms. Definition matches (m : matcher) (bs : gmap string expr) : option (gmap string b_rhs) := match m with | M_Matcher ms strict => guard (strict → dom bs ⊆ matcher_keys m);; snd <$> matches_aux ms bs end. Lemma matches_aux_empty bs : matches_aux ∅ bs = Some (bs, ∅). Proof. done. Qed. Lemma matches_aux_f_comm (x : string) (rhs : m_rhs) (m : gmap string m_rhs) (y z : string) (rhs1 rhs2 : m_rhs) (acc : option (gmap string expr * gmap string b_rhs)) : m !! x = None → y ≠ z → <[x:=rhs]> m !! y = Some rhs1 → <[x:=rhs]> m !! z = Some rhs2 → matches_aux_f y rhs1 (matches_aux_f z rhs2 acc) = matches_aux_f z rhs2 (matches_aux_f y rhs1 acc). Proof. intros Hxm Hyz Hym Hzm. unfold matches_aux_f. destruct acc. repeat (simplify_option_eq || done || destruct (g !! y) eqn:Egy || destruct (g !! z) eqn:Egz || case_match || rewrite insert_commute). done. Qed. Lemma matches_aux_insert m bs x rhs : m !! x = None → matches_aux (<[x := rhs]>m) bs = matches_aux_f x rhs (matches_aux m bs). Proof. intros Hnotin. unfold matches_aux. rewrite map_fold_insert_L; try done. clear bs. intros y z rhs1 rhs2 acc Hyz Hym Hzm. by eapply matches_aux_f_comm. Qed. Lemma matches_aux_bs m bs bs' brs : matches_aux m bs = Some (bs', brs) → bs = bs'. Proof. revert bs bs' brs. induction m using map_ind; intros bs bs' brs Hmatches. - rewrite matches_aux_empty in Hmatches. congruence. - rewrite matches_aux_insert in Hmatches; try done. unfold matches_aux_f in Hmatches. simplify_option_eq. destruct H0. case_match; try case_match; simplify_option_eq; by apply IHm with (brs := g0). Qed. Lemma matches_aux_impl m bs brs x e : m !! x = None → bs !! x = None → matches_aux m (<[x := e]>bs) = Some (<[x := e]>bs, brs) → matches_aux m bs = Some (bs, brs). Proof. intros Hxm Hxbs Hmatches. revert bs brs Hxm Hxbs Hmatches. induction m using map_ind; intros bs brs Hxm Hxbs Hmatches. - rewrite matches_aux_empty. rewrite matches_aux_empty in Hmatches. by simplify_option_eq. - rewrite matches_aux_insert in Hmatches by done. rewrite matches_aux_insert by done. apply lookup_insert_None in Hxm as [Hxm1 Hxm2]. unfold matches_aux_f in Hmatches. simplify_option_eq. destruct H0. case_match. + simplify_option_eq. rewrite lookup_insert_ne in Heqo0 by done. pose proof (IHm bs g0 Hxm1 Hxbs Heqo). rewrite H1. by simplify_option_eq. + case_match; simplify_option_eq; rewrite lookup_insert_ne in H1 by done; pose proof (IHm bs g0 Hxm1 Hxbs Heqo); rewrite H0; by simplify_option_eq. Qed. Lemma matches_aux_impl_2 m bs brs x e : m !! x = None → bs !! x = None → matches_aux m bs = Some (bs, brs) → matches_aux m (<[x := e]>bs) = Some (<[x := e]>bs, brs). Proof. intros Hxm Hxbs Hmatches. revert bs brs Hxm Hxbs Hmatches. induction m using map_ind; intros bs brs Hxm Hxbs Hmatches. - rewrite matches_aux_empty. rewrite matches_aux_empty in Hmatches. by simplify_option_eq. - rewrite matches_aux_insert in Hmatches by done. rewrite matches_aux_insert by done. apply lookup_insert_None in Hxm as [Hxm1 Hxm2]. unfold matches_aux_f in Hmatches. simplify_option_eq. destruct H0. case_match. + simplify_option_eq. rewrite <-lookup_insert_ne with (i := x) (x := e) in Heqo0 by done. pose proof (IHm bs g0 Hxm1 Hxbs Heqo). rewrite H1. by simplify_option_eq. + case_match; simplify_option_eq; rewrite <-lookup_insert_ne with (i := x) (x := e) in H1 by done; pose proof (IHm bs g0 Hxm1 Hxbs Heqo); rewrite H0; by simplify_option_eq. Qed. Lemma matches_aux_dom m bs brs : matches_aux m bs = Some (bs, brs) → dom m = dom brs. Proof. revert bs brs. induction m using map_ind; intros bs brs Hmatches. - rewrite matches_aux_empty in Hmatches. by simplify_eq. - rewrite matches_aux_insert in Hmatches by done. unfold matches_aux_f in Hmatches. simplify_option_eq. destruct H0. case_match; try case_match; simplify_option_eq; apply IHm in Heqo; set_solver. Qed. Lemma matches_aux_inv m bs brs x e : m !! x = None → bs !! x = None → brs !! x = None → matches_aux (<[x := M_Mandatory]>m) (<[x := e]>bs) = Some (<[x := e]>bs, <[x := B_Nonrec e]>brs) → matches_aux m bs = Some (bs, brs). Proof. intros Hxm Hxbs Hxbrs Hmatches. rewrite matches_aux_insert in Hmatches by done. unfold matches_aux_f in Hmatches. simplify_option_eq. destruct H. simplify_option_eq. rewrite lookup_insert in Heqo0. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_impl in Heqo; try done. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_dom in Heqo as Hdom. rewrite Heqo. do 2 f_equal. assert (g0 !! x = None). { apply not_elem_of_dom in Hxm. rewrite Hdom in Hxm. by apply not_elem_of_dom. } replace g0 with (delete x (<[x:=B_Nonrec H]> g0)); try by rewrite delete_insert. replace brs with (delete x (<[x:=B_Nonrec H]> brs)); try by rewrite delete_insert. by rewrite H1. Qed. Lemma disjoint_union_subseteq_l `{FinSet A C} `{!LeibnizEquiv C} (X Y Z : C) : X ## Y → X ## Z → X ∪ Y ⊆ X ∪ Z → Y ⊆ Z. Proof. revert Y Z. induction X using set_ind_L; intros Y Z Hdisj1 Hdisj2 Hsubs. - by do 2 rewrite union_empty_l_L in Hsubs. - do 2 rewrite <-union_assoc_L in Hsubs. apply IHX; set_solver. Qed. Lemma singleton_notin_union_disjoint `{FinMapDom K M D} {A} (m : M A) (i : K) : m !! i = None → {[i]} ## dom m. Proof. intros Hlookup. apply disjoint_singleton_l. by apply not_elem_of_dom in Hlookup. Qed. Lemma matches_step bs brs m strict x : matches (M_Matcher (<[x := M_Mandatory]>m) strict) bs = Some brs → ∃ e, bs !! x = Some e ∧ brs !! x = Some (B_Nonrec e). Proof. intros Hmatches. destruct (decide (is_Some (bs !! x))). - destruct i. exists x0. split; [done|]. unfold matches in Hmatches. destruct strict; simplify_option_eq. + replace (<[x := M_Mandatory]>m) with (<[x := M_Mandatory]>(delete x m)) in Heqo0; try by rewrite insert_delete_insert. rewrite matches_aux_insert in Heqo0 by apply lookup_delete. unfold matches_aux_f in Heqo0. simplify_option_eq. destruct H3. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo as Hdom. simplify_option_eq. apply lookup_insert. + replace (<[x := M_Mandatory]>m) with (<[x := M_Mandatory]>(delete x m)) in Heqo; try by rewrite insert_delete_insert. rewrite matches_aux_insert in Heqo by apply lookup_delete. unfold matches_aux_f in Heqo. simplify_option_eq. destruct H1. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo0 as Hdom. simplify_option_eq. apply lookup_insert. - unfold matches in Hmatches. destruct strict; simplify_option_eq. + replace (<[x := M_Mandatory]>m) with (<[x := M_Mandatory]>(delete x m)) in Heqo0; try by rewrite insert_delete_insert. rewrite matches_aux_insert in Heqo0 by apply lookup_delete. unfold matches_aux_f in Heqo0. simplify_option_eq. destruct H2. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo as Hdom. simplify_option_eq. rewrite Heqo1 in n. exfalso. by apply n. + replace (<[x := M_Mandatory]>m) with (<[x := M_Mandatory]>(delete x m)) in Heqo; try by rewrite insert_delete_insert. rewrite matches_aux_insert in Heqo by apply lookup_delete. unfold matches_aux_f in Heqo. simplify_option_eq. destruct H0. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo0 as Hdom. simplify_option_eq. rewrite Heqo1 in n. exfalso. by apply n. Qed. Lemma matches_step' bs brs m strict x : matches (M_Matcher (<[x := M_Mandatory]>m) strict) bs = Some brs → ∃ e bs' brs', bs' !! x = None ∧ bs = <[x := e]>bs' ∧ brs' !! x = None ∧ brs = <[x := B_Nonrec e]>brs'. Proof. intros Hmatches. apply matches_step in Hmatches as He. destruct He as [e [He1 He2]]. exists e, (delete x bs), (delete x brs). split_and!; by apply lookup_delete || rewrite insert_delete. Qed. Lemma matches_opt_step bs brs m strict x d : matches (M_Matcher (<[x := M_Optional d]>m) strict) bs = Some brs → (∃ e, bs !! x = Some e ∧ brs !! x = Some (B_Nonrec e)) ∨ bs !! x = None ∧ brs !! x = Some (B_Rec d). Proof. intros Hmatches. destruct (decide (is_Some (bs !! x))). - destruct i. left. exists x0. split; [done|]. unfold matches in Hmatches. destruct strict; simplify_option_eq. + replace (<[x := M_Optional d]>m) with (<[x := M_Optional d]>(delete x m)) in Heqo0; try by rewrite insert_delete_insert. rewrite matches_aux_insert in Heqo0 by apply lookup_delete. unfold matches_aux_f in Heqo0. simplify_option_eq. destruct H3. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo as Hdom. simplify_option_eq. apply lookup_insert. + replace (<[x := M_Optional d]>m) with (<[x := M_Optional d]>(delete x m)) in Heqo; try by rewrite insert_delete_insert. rewrite matches_aux_insert in Heqo by apply lookup_delete. unfold matches_aux_f in Heqo. simplify_option_eq. destruct H1. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo0 as Hdom. simplify_option_eq. apply lookup_insert. - unfold matches in Hmatches. destruct strict; simplify_option_eq. + right. apply eq_None_not_Some in n. split; [done|]. destruct H0. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo0 as Hbs. subst. replace (<[x := M_Optional d]>m) with (<[x := M_Optional d]>(delete x m)) in Heqo0; try by rewrite insert_delete_insert. rewrite matches_aux_insert in Heqo0 by apply lookup_delete. unfold matches_aux_f in Heqo0. simplify_option_eq. destruct H0. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo as Hdom. simplify_option_eq. apply lookup_insert. + right. apply eq_None_not_Some in n. split; [done|]. destruct H. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo as Hbs. subst. replace (<[x := M_Optional d]>m) with (<[x := M_Optional d]>(delete x m)) in Heqo; try by rewrite insert_delete_insert. rewrite matches_aux_insert in Heqo by apply lookup_delete. unfold matches_aux_f in Heqo. simplify_option_eq. destruct H. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo0 as Hdom. simplify_option_eq. apply lookup_insert. Qed. Lemma matches_opt_step' bs brs m strict x d : matches (M_Matcher (<[x := M_Optional d]>m) strict) bs = Some brs → (∃ e bs' brs', bs' !! x = None ∧ bs = <[x := e]>bs' ∧ brs' !! x = None ∧ brs = <[x := B_Nonrec e]>brs') ∨ (∃ brs', bs !! x = None ∧ brs' !! x = None ∧ brs = <[x := B_Rec d]>brs'). Proof. intros Hmatches. apply matches_opt_step in Hmatches as He. destruct He as [He|He]. - destruct He as [e [He1 He2]]. left. exists e, (delete x bs), (delete x brs). split; try split; try split. + apply lookup_delete. + by rewrite insert_delete. + apply lookup_delete. + by rewrite insert_delete. - destruct He as [He1 He2]. right. exists (delete x brs). split; try split; try done. + apply lookup_delete. + by rewrite insert_delete. Qed. Lemma matches_inv m bs brs strict x e : m !! x = None → bs !! x = None → brs !! x = None → matches (M_Matcher (<[x := M_Mandatory]>m) strict) (<[x := e]>bs) = Some (<[x := B_Nonrec e]>brs) → matches (M_Matcher m strict) bs = Some brs. Proof. intros Hxm Hxbs Hxbrs Hmatch. destruct strict. - simplify_option_eq. + destruct H0. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo0 as Hbs. simplify_option_eq. by erewrite matches_aux_inv. + exfalso. apply H2. repeat rewrite dom_insert in H1. assert ({[x]} ## dom bs). { by apply singleton_notin_union_disjoint. } assert ({[x]} ## dom m). { by apply singleton_notin_union_disjoint. } by apply disjoint_union_subseteq_l with (X := {[x]}). - simplify_option_eq. destruct H. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo as Hbs. simplify_option_eq. by erewrite matches_aux_inv. Qed. Lemma matches_aux_avail_inv m bs brs x d e : m !! x = None → bs !! x = None → brs !! x = None → matches_aux (<[x := M_Optional d]>m) (<[x := e]>bs) = Some (<[x := e]>bs, <[x := B_Nonrec e]>brs) → matches_aux m bs = Some (bs, brs). Proof. intros Hxm Hxbs Hxbrs Hmatches. rewrite matches_aux_insert in Hmatches by done. unfold matches_aux_f in Hmatches. simplify_option_eq. destruct H. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo as Hbs. subst. rewrite lookup_insert in Hmatches. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_impl in Heqo; try done. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_dom in Heqo as Hdom. rewrite Heqo. do 2 f_equal. assert (g0 !! x = None). { apply not_elem_of_dom in Hxm. rewrite Hdom in Hxm. by apply not_elem_of_dom. } replace g0 with (delete x (<[x:=B_Nonrec e]> g0)); try by rewrite delete_insert. replace brs with (delete x (<[x:=B_Nonrec e]> brs)); try by rewrite delete_insert. by rewrite Hmatches. Qed. Lemma matches_avail_inv m bs brs strict x d e : m !! x = None → bs !! x = None → brs !! x = None → matches (M_Matcher (<[x := M_Optional d]>m) strict) (<[x := e]>bs) = Some (<[x := B_Nonrec e]>brs) → matches (M_Matcher m strict) bs = Some brs. Proof. intros Hxm Hxbs Hxbrs Hmatch. destruct strict. - simplify_option_eq. + destruct H0. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo0 as Hbs. simplify_option_eq. by erewrite matches_aux_avail_inv. + exfalso. apply H2. repeat rewrite dom_insert in H1. assert ({[x]} ## dom bs). { by apply singleton_notin_union_disjoint. } assert ({[x]} ## dom m). { by apply singleton_notin_union_disjoint. } by apply disjoint_union_subseteq_l with (X := {[x]}). - simplify_option_eq. destruct H. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo as Hbs. simplify_option_eq. by erewrite matches_aux_avail_inv. Qed. Lemma matches_aux_default_inv m bs brs x e : m !! x = None → bs !! x = None → brs !! x = None → matches_aux (<[x := M_Optional e]>m) bs = Some (bs, <[x := B_Rec e]>brs) → matches_aux m bs = Some (bs, brs). Proof. intros Hxm Hxbs Hxbrs Hmatches. rewrite matches_aux_insert in Hmatches by done. unfold matches_aux_f in Hmatches. simplify_option_eq. destruct H. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo as Hbs. subst. rewrite Hxbs in Hmatches. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_dom in Heqo as Hdom. do 2 f_equal. assert (g0 !! x = None). { apply not_elem_of_dom in Hxm. rewrite Hdom in Hxm. by apply not_elem_of_dom. } replace g0 with (delete x (<[x:=B_Rec e]> g0)); try by rewrite delete_insert. replace brs with (delete x (<[x:=B_Rec e]> brs)); try by rewrite delete_insert. by rewrite Hmatches. Qed. Lemma matches_default_inv m bs brs strict x e : m !! x = None → bs !! x = None → brs !! x = None → matches (M_Matcher (<[x := M_Optional e]>m) strict) bs = Some (<[x := B_Rec e]>brs) → matches (M_Matcher m strict) bs = Some brs. Proof. intros Hxm Hxbs Hxbrs Hmatch. destruct strict. - simplify_option_eq. + destruct H0. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo0 as Hbs. simplify_option_eq. by erewrite matches_aux_default_inv. + exfalso. apply H2. rewrite dom_insert in H1. assert ({[x]} ## dom bs). { by apply singleton_notin_union_disjoint. } assert ({[x]} ## dom m). { by apply singleton_notin_union_disjoint. } apply disjoint_union_subseteq_l with (X := {[x]}); set_solver. - simplify_option_eq. destruct H. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo as Hbs. simplify_option_eq. by erewrite matches_aux_default_inv. Qed. Theorem matches_sound m bs brs : matches m bs = Some brs → bs ~ m ~> brs. Proof. intros Hmatches. destruct m. revert strict bs brs Hmatches. induction ms using map_ind; intros strict bs brs Hmatches. - destruct strict; simplify_option_eq. + apply map_dom_empty_subset in H0. simplify_eq. constructor. + constructor. - destruct x. + apply matches_step' in Hmatches as He. destruct He as [e [bs' [brs' [Hbs'1 [Hbs'2 [Hbrs'1 Hbrs'2]]]]]]. subst. constructor; try done. rewrite delete_notin by done. apply IHms. by apply matches_inv in Hmatches. + apply matches_opt_step' in Hmatches as He. destruct He as [He|He]. * destruct He as [d [bs' [brs' [Hibs' [Hbs' [Hibrs' Hbrs']]]]]]. subst. constructor; try done. rewrite delete_notin by done. apply IHms. by apply matches_avail_inv in Hmatches. * destruct He as [brs' [Hibs [Hibrs' Hbrs']]]. subst. constructor; try done. apply IHms. by apply matches_default_inv in Hmatches. Qed. Theorem matches_complete m bs brs : bs ~ m ~> brs → matches m bs = Some brs. Proof. intros Hbs. induction Hbs. - unfold matches. by simplify_option_eq. - unfold matches. by simplify_option_eq. - unfold matches in *. destruct strict. + simplify_option_eq. * simplify_option_eq. destruct H2. simplify_option_eq. apply fmap_Some. exists (<[x := e]>bs, <[x := B_Nonrec e]>g0). split; [|done]. rewrite matches_aux_insert by done. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo0 as Hbs'. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_impl_2 with (x := x) (e := e) in Heqo0; [| done | apply lookup_delete]. replace bs with (delete x bs); try by apply delete_notin. unfold matches_aux_f. simplify_option_eq. apply bind_Some. exists e. split; [apply lookup_insert | done]. * exfalso. apply H4. replace bs with (delete x bs); try by apply delete_notin. apply map_dom_delete_insert_subseteq_L. set_solver. + simplify_option_eq. destruct H1. simplify_option_eq. apply fmap_Some. exists (<[x := e]>bs, <[x := B_Nonrec e]>g0). split; [|done]. rewrite matches_aux_insert by done. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo as Hbs'. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_impl_2 with (x := x) (e := e) in Heqo; [| done | apply lookup_delete]. replace bs with (delete x bs); try by apply delete_notin. unfold matches_aux_f. simplify_option_eq. apply bind_Some. exists e. split; [apply lookup_insert | done]. - unfold matches in *. destruct strict. + simplify_option_eq. * simplify_option_eq. destruct H2. simplify_option_eq. apply fmap_Some. exists (<[x := d]>bs, <[x := B_Nonrec d]>g0). split; [|done]. rewrite matches_aux_insert by done. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo0 as Hbs'. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_impl_2 with (x := x) (e := d) in Heqo0; [| done | apply lookup_delete]. replace bs with (delete x bs); try by apply delete_notin. unfold matches_aux_f. simplify_option_eq. case_match. -- rewrite lookup_insert in H2. congruence. -- by rewrite lookup_insert in H2. * exfalso. apply H4. replace bs with (delete x bs); try by apply delete_notin. apply map_dom_delete_insert_subseteq_L. set_solver. + simplify_option_eq. destruct H1. simplify_option_eq. apply fmap_Some. exists (<[x := d]>bs, <[x := B_Nonrec d]>g0). split; [|done]. rewrite matches_aux_insert by done. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo as Hbs'. simplify_option_eq. apply matches_aux_impl_2 with (x := x) (e := d) in Heqo; [| done | apply lookup_delete]. replace bs with (delete x bs); try by apply delete_notin. unfold matches_aux_f. simplify_option_eq. case_match. * rewrite lookup_insert in H1. congruence. * by rewrite lookup_insert in H1. - unfold matches in *. destruct strict. + simplify_option_eq. * simplify_option_eq. destruct H2. simplify_option_eq. apply fmap_Some. exists (bs, <[x := B_Rec e]>g0). split; [|done]. rewrite matches_aux_insert by done. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo0 as Hbs'. simplify_option_eq. unfold matches_aux_f. by simplify_option_eq. * exfalso. apply H4. set_solver. + simplify_option_eq. destruct H1. simplify_option_eq. apply fmap_Some. exists (bs, <[x := B_Rec e]>g0). split; [|done]. rewrite matches_aux_insert by done. apply matches_aux_bs in Heqo as Hbs'. simplify_option_eq. unfold matches_aux_f. by simplify_option_eq. Qed. Theorem matches_correct m bs brs : matches m bs = Some brs ↔ bs ~ m ~> brs. Proof. split; [apply matches_sound | apply matches_complete]. Qed. Theorem matches_deterministic m bs brs1 brs2 : bs ~ m ~> brs1 → bs ~ m ~> brs2 → brs1 = brs2. Proof. intros H1 H2. apply matches_correct in H1, H2. congruence. Qed.