// vim:set sw=2 ts=2 sts et: // // Copyright 2024 Rutger Broekhoff. Licensed under the EUPL. #ifndef OEUF_LIBTMI8_KV1_TYPES_HPP #define OEUF_LIBTMI8_KV1_TYPES_HPP #include #include #include #include #include struct Kv1OrganizationalUnit; struct Kv1HigherOrganizationalUnit; struct Kv1UserStopPoint; struct Kv1UserStopArea; struct Kv1TimingLink; struct Kv1Link; struct Kv1Line; struct Kv1Destination; struct Kv1JourneyPattern; struct Kv1ConcessionFinancerRelation; struct Kv1ConcessionArea; struct Kv1Financer; struct Kv1JourneyPatternTimingLink; struct Kv1Point; struct Kv1PointOnLink; struct Kv1Icon; struct Kv1Notice; struct Kv1NoticeAssignment; struct Kv1TimeDemandGroup; struct Kv1TimeDemandGroupRunTime; struct Kv1PeriodGroup; struct Kv1SpecificDay; struct Kv1TimetableVersion; struct Kv1PublicJourney; struct Kv1PeriodGroupValidity; struct Kv1ExceptionalOperatingDay; struct Kv1ScheduleVersion; struct Kv1PublicJourneyPassingTimes; struct Kv1OperatingDay; struct Kv1Records { std::vector organizational_units; std::vector higher_organizational_units; std::vector user_stop_points; std::vector user_stop_areas; std::vector timing_links; std::vector links; std::vector lines; std::vector destinations; std::vector journey_patterns; std::vector concession_financer_relations; std::vector concession_areas; std::vector financers; std::vector journey_pattern_timing_links; std::vector points; std::vector point_on_links; std::vector icons; std::vector notices; std::vector notice_assignments; std::vector time_demand_groups; std::vector time_demand_group_run_times; std::vector period_groups; std::vector specific_days; std::vector timetable_versions; std::vector public_journeys; std::vector period_group_validities; std::vector exceptional_operating_days; std::vector schedule_versions; std::vector public_journey_passing_times; std::vector operating_days; size_t size() const; }; // These definitions implement TMI8, KV1 Dienstregeling (Timetable) version // (release), published by BISON on January 8, 2020. // (Filename: tmi8 dienstregeling (kv 1) v8.3.0.2, release.docx) // // This specification and other BISON specifications, as well as other // supplementary information, can be found on BISON's website: // https://bison.dova.nu/ // // The specification that was used to create these definitions was downloaded // from the following address: // https://bison.dova.nu/sites/default/files/bestanden/tmi8_dienstregeling_kv_1_v8.3.0.2_release.pdf // // The KV1 table structure and the corresponding documentation describing the // relevant tables and fields, as presented here, is derived from the original // specification. Most documentation is a manually translated version of the // documentation as present in the specification. The specification is licensed // under CC BY-ND 3.0. The exact text of this license can be found on // https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/nl/. // KV1 Table 1: Organizational Unit [ORUN] (MANDATORY) // // A collection of trips with the same validity features. An organizational // unit can be part of a 'higher' unit. // // An organizational unit is defined as a unity vor which the planning of trips // is compiled. When defining the organizational units, it is important that // all trips within the package have a homogeneous validity (school holidays, // shopping Sundays, foreign bank holidays). // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1OrganizationalUnit { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string organizational_unit_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string organizational_unit_code); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 50 characters. std::string name; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. std::string organizational_unit_type; // Optional, at most 255 characters. std::string description; }; // KV1 Table 2: Higher Organizational Unit [ORUNORUN] (OPTIONAL) // // An in the hierarchy higher-ordered organizational unit for the purpose of // (among others) recording of (deviating) validities on the high level. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1HigherOrganizationalUnit { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Parent, higher organizational unit // that is referred to. std::string organizational_unit_code_parent; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Child, lower organizational unit. std::string organizational_unit_code_child; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. [YYYY-MM-DD] Starting date of the // hierarchical relation (can be a fixed value, e.g. 2006-12-31). std::chrono::year_month_day valid_from; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string organizational_unit_code_parent, std::string organizational_unit_code_child, std::chrono::year_month_day valid_from); }; Key key; Kv1OrganizationalUnit *p_organizational_unit_parent = nullptr; Kv1OrganizationalUnit *p_organizational_unit_child = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 3: User Stop Point [USRSTOP] // // Stop or other point (e.g. Bridge, functioning as info for the bridge keeper) // for which times are recorded in the planning system of the transit operator. // // Coordinates of a UserStopPoint are recorded as Point. When defining // UserStopPoints, it is important that the coordinates can be unambiguously // and verifiably recorded. For a stop, the coordinates of the stop sign are // recorded. If there is no stop sign, the end of the bus stop (where the bus // normally halts) is recorded as the coordinate of the stop. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1UserStopPoint { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Stop number in domain of operator. std::string user_stop_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string user_stop_code); }; Key key; // Optional, at most 10 characters. Stop number in domain of integrator, // (initially) equal to UserStopCode. std::string timing_point_code; // Mandatory, at most 5 characters. Boolean indicator whether USRSTOP is used // as boarding stop, true by default. False for e.g. dummy stop for bridge // keeper. bool get_in = true; // Mandatory, at most 5 characters. Boolean indicator whether USRSTOP is used // as alighting stop. bool get_out = false; // Mandatory, at most 50 characters. Stop name. std::string name; // Mandatory, at most 50 characters. Town name. std::string town; // Optional, at most 10 characters. Reference to StopArea of which the // UserStop is part. std::string user_stop_area_code; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Platform indication/letter. The '-' // value is used to indication that this is not applicable. std::string stop_side_code; // Mandatory, at most 5 digits. Minimal stop duration for boarding and // alighting, zero by default. In seconds. double minimal_stop_time_s = 0; // Optional, at most 3 digits. Length of stop platform. std::optional stop_side_length; // Optional, at most 255 characters. std::string description; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. USRSTOPTYPE. Indicates the stop kind. std::string user_stop_type; // Optional, at most 30 characters. Nationally unique stop number. std::string quay_code; Kv1UserStopArea *p_user_stop_area = nullptr; Kv1Point *p_point = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 4: User Stop Area [USRSTAR] // // A StopArea is a collection of stops, which have the same name for passengers // and logically belong together. (E.g. a bus station of transfer point.) Stops // lying opposite each other can also form a StopArea. // // Used for display of all stops in a stop area on an overview display and for // announcement of stop names (stops on both sides of the street share the same // name). // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1UserStopArea { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Code of StopArea following coding // of operator, e.g. PlaceCode. std::string user_stop_area_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string user_stop_area_code); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 50 characters. std::string name; // Mandatory, at most 50 characters. std::string town; // Mandatory, at most 255 characters. std::string description; }; // KV1 Table 5: Timing Link [TILI] // // Link between two points which have the feature 'stop' or 'timing point'. A // Timing Link is set between all stops and other timing points (e.g. for the // bridge) which make part of a journey pattern. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1TimingLink { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Stop number in the domain of // DataOwner (here: the operator). std::string user_stop_code_begin; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Stop number in the domain of // DataOwner (here: the operator). std::string user_stop_code_end; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string user_stop_code_begin, std::string user_stop_code_end); }; Key key; // Optional, at most 5 digits. Minimal trip time (in seconds). std::optional minimal_drive_time_s; // Optional, at most 255 characters. std::string description; Kv1UserStopPoint *p_user_stop_begin = nullptr; Kv1UserStopPoint *p_user_stop_end = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 6: Link [LINK] // // A route link describes the connection between to points on the physical path // of a route. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1Link { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Stop code in the domain of // DataOwner (here: the operator). std::string user_stop_code_begin; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Stop code in the domain of // DataOwner (here: the operator). std::string user_stop_code_end; // Mandatory (key), at most 5 characters. Modality for which the distance // applies, see BISON enumeration E9. // TODO: Check if BISON enumeration E9 can be put into an enum. std::string transport_type; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string user_stop_code_begin, std::string user_stop_code_end, std::string transport_type); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 6 digits. Length of the link (in meters). double distance = 0; // Optional, at most 255 characters. std::string description; Kv1UserStopPoint *p_user_stop_begin = nullptr; Kv1UserStopPoint *p_user_stop_end = nullptr; }; struct RgbColor { uint8_t r, g, b = 0; }; // KV1 Table 7: Line [LINE] // // A line is a collection of routes/journey patterns which is publically known // under a shared number. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1Line { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Unique system line number in the // domain of DataOwner. std::string line_planning_number; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string line_planning_number); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 4 characters. Line number for the public, incl. S/N // indications. std::string line_public_number; // Mandatory, at most 50 characters. std::string line_name; // Mandatory, at most three digits. Should be in the range [0, 400). // Only processing Connexxion's KV1 export, however, shows us that this range // constrained is not honored in practice. That is why we also don't care. short line_ve_tag_number = 0; // Optional, at most 255 characters. std::string description; // Mandatory, at most 5 characters. Modality, see BISON enumeration E9. // TODO: Check if BISON enumeration E9 can be put into an enum. std::string transport_type; // Optional, at most 4 digits. Symbol / image for the line. Reference to ICON // table. std::optional line_icon; // Optional, at most four characters. Background color for the line. // Hexadecimal representation following RGB coding. Always six characters // (RRGGBB), only numbers and/or capital letters. std::optional line_color; // Optional, at most four characters. Foreground color for the line. // Hexadecimal representation following RGB coding. Always six characters // (RRGGBB), only numbers and/or capital letters. std::optional line_text_color; Kv1Icon *p_line_icon = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 8: Destination [DEST] // // A destination shows the place/district/description of the route for the // passenger. Intermediate and detail destinations of a journey pattern are // shown under a single desination code, together with the primary destination. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1Destination { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string dest_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string dest_code); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 50 characters. Full destination (e.g. compiled from // primary, detail or intermediate destination). std::string dest_name_full; // Mandatory, at most 24 characters. Primary / intermediate destination in // enumeration / final destination if 1 line is used. std::string dest_name_main; // Optional, at most 24 characters. Detail/secondary or intermediate // destination for primary desination, final destination (for intermediate // destination on line 1). std::string dest_name_detail; // Mandatory, at most 5 characters. Boolean which indcates whether // DestNameDetail must always be shown (e.g. because this contains an // important intermediate destination.) bool relevant_dest_name_detail = false; // Mandatory, at most 21 characters. Primary destination in 21 characters. std::string dest_name_main_21; // Optional, at most 21 characters. Detail/secondary/intermediate destination // in 21 characters. std::string dest_name_detail_21; // Mandatory, at most 19 characters. Primary destination in 19 characters. std::string dest_name_main_19; // Optional, at most 19 characters. Detail/secondary/intermediate destination // in 19 characters. std::string dest_name_detail_19; // Mandatory, at most 16 characters. Primary destination in 16 characters. std::string dest_name_main_16; // Optional, at most 16 characters. Detail/secondary/intermediate destination // in 16 characters. std::string dest_name_detail_16; // Optional, at most 4 digits. Symbol/image for the destination. Reference to // the ICON table. std::optional dest_icon; // Optional, at most 6 characters. Background color for the destination. // Hexadecimal representation following RGB coding. Always six characters // (RRGGBB), only six digits and/or capital letters. std::optional dest_color; // Optional, at most 30 characters (WTF?). Foreground color for the // destination. Hexadecimal representation following RGB coding. Always six // characters (RRGGBB), only six digits and/or capital letters. std::optional dest_text_color; }; // KV1 Table 9: Journey Pattern [JOPA] // // The journey pattern describes the route from start to end point as a ordered // list of stops and links between stops/timing points. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1JourneyPattern { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string line_planning_number; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string journey_pattern_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string line_planning_number, std::string journey_pattern_code); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Refers to a journey pattern type // (JOPATYPE). std::string journey_pattern_type; // Mandatory, at most 1 character. One of [1, 2, A, B]. char direction = 0; // Optional, at most 255 characters. std::string description; Kv1Line *p_line = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 10: Concession Financer Relation [CONFINREL] // // Concession financer relation (mainly parcel). Smallest unit for which data // about a concession can be captured in relation to a financer and/or // concession. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1ConcessionFinancerRelation { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Parcel code. std::string con_fin_rel_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string con_fin_rel_code); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Concession code. std::string concession_area_code; // Optional, at most 10 characters. Code of financer/client of the parcel. std::string financer_code; Kv1ConcessionArea *p_concession_area = nullptr; Kv1Financer *p_financer = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 11: Concession Area [CONAREA] // // Concession (area). // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1ConcessionArea { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Code of the concession. std::string concession_area_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string concession_area_code); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 255 characters. std::string description; }; // KV1 Table 12: Financer [FINANCER] (OPTIONAL) // // Financer of a parcel. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1Financer { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string financer_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string financer_code); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 255 characters. std::string description; }; // KV1 Table 13: Journey Pattern Timing Link [JOPATILI] // // Compilation of journey pattern from logical links (between pairs of // stops/timing points). Features such as the destination code, the public line // number, the concession financer relation (parcel) and product formula are // set per connection. Moreover, a color and/or image linked to the line // destination and the use of the (first) stop as boarding/alighting stop can // be set per link. // // Timing Link: A timing link is a stop, set by the transit operator, where a // bus / public transit vehicle may never depart earlier than set in the // timetable. // // A logical link may never occur more than once in a journey pattern. // Therefore, the combination of LinePlanningNumber, JourneyPatternCode, // UserStopCodeBegin and UserStopCodeEnd must be unique in JOPATILI. // // The value of GetIn and GetOut are normally copied from the corresponding // stop in the USRSTOP table, but can be overruled per journey pattern if so // desired. // // A Icon or (Text)Color set here overrules the general value of the // corresponding line (Line) or destination (Destination). // // A value of ShowFlexibleTrip or ProductFormulaType in PUJO or PUJOPASS // overrules the value in JOPATILI. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1JourneyPatternTimingLink { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string line_planning_number; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string journey_pattern_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 3 digits. short timing_link_order = 0; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string line_planning_number, std::string journey_pattern_code, short timing_link_order); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Stop number in the domain of the // DataOwner (here: the transit operator). std::string user_stop_code_begin; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Stop number in the domain of the // DataOwner (here: the transit operator). std::string user_stop_code_end; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Concession financer relation / parcel // (smallest unit). std::string con_fin_rel_code; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. The destination (incl. intermediat // destinations) as these are shown at the first stop of the journey pattern // link. std::string dest_code; // Mandatory, at most 5 characters. Boolean which indicates whether the first // stop of the connection is a timing stop. Indicator is at least "true" at // first stop of a line and at waiting stops. bool is_timing_stop = false; // Optional, at most 4 characters. Public line number which must be shown on // displays from the first stop of the journey pattern link (e.g. Line number // + S). This is important when a deviating public line number applies from a // certain point on forward. Normally, the public line number of the // corresponding line is shown. std::string display_public_line; // Optional, at most 4 digits. Enumeration E10 (see section 2.5). A public // transit service which distinguishes itself by a set of unique features, // that is offered to the passenger as distinct (a marketing aspect). // TODO: Check if we can turn BISON enumeration E10 into an enum std::optional product_formula_type; // Mandatory, at most 5 characters. Boolean indicator whether UserStopBegin // is used as a boarding stop in this journey pattern. Usually equal to the // value of the corresponding USRSTOP. bool get_in = false; // Mandatory, at most 5 characters. Boolean indicator whether UserStopBegin // is used as an alighting stop in this journey pattern. Usually equal to the // value of the corresponding USRSTOP. bool get_out = false; // Optional, at most 8 characters. Indicates whether the transit operator // wants a not explicitly planned trip (i.e. a trip that only operates after // reservation such as a 'call bus' (belbus), 'line taxi' (lijntaxi) etc.) to // be shown on displays. Values according enumeration E21: TRUE (always), // FALSE (never), REALTIME (only when tracking trip). // TODO: Check if we can turn BISON enumeration E21 into an enum std::string show_flexible_trip; // Optional, at most 4 digits. Symbol / image for display of the line // destination at the journey stop passing. Reference to the ICON table. std::optional line_dest_icon; // Optional, at most 6 characters. Background color for display of the line // destination at a journey stop passing. Hexadecimal representation // following RGB coding. Always six characters (RRGGBB), only numbers and/or // capital letters. std::optional line_dest_color; // Optional, at most 6 characters. Foreground color for display of the line // destination at a journey stop passing. Hexadecimal representation // following RGB coding. Always six characters (RRGGBB), only numbers and/or // capital letters. std::optional line_dest_text_color; Kv1Line *p_line = nullptr; Kv1JourneyPattern *p_journey_pattern = nullptr; Kv1UserStopPoint *p_user_stop_begin = nullptr; Kv1UserStopPoint *p_user_stop_end = nullptr; Kv1ConcessionFinancerRelation *p_con_fin_rel = nullptr; Kv1Destination *p_dest = nullptr; Kv1Icon *p_line_dest_icon = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 14: Point [POINT] // // A point is the smallest location which can be reffered to within the public // transit network. Every stop (USRSTOP) is a point. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1Point { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string point_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string point_code); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Refers to the POINTTYPE table. std::string point_type; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Refers to the GEOSYSTYPE table. Only // allowed to have the value "RD" (rijkdsdriehoekstelsel; the national Dutch // coordinate system). std::string coordinate_system_type; // Mandatory, at most 15 characters. X position in the RD coordinate system, // in meters (at least 6 digits). double location_x_ew = 0; // Mandatory, at most 15 characters. Y position in the RD coordinate system, // in meters (at least 6 digits). double location_y_ns = 0; // Optional, at most 15 characters. // NOTE: the standart (presumeably wrongly) indicates this field as having // alphanumeric contents. std::optional location_z; // Optional, at most 255 characters. std::string description; }; // KV1 Table 15: Point on Link [POOL] // // A point that is used to geographically describe the trajectory between two // stops. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1PointOnLink { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Stop number in the domain of the // DataOwner (here: transit operator). std::string user_stop_code_begin; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Stop number in the domain of the // DataOwner (here: transit operator). std::string user_stop_code_end; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Code from the road manager for KAR // points. For curve points of the DataOwner (often the transit operator). std::string point_data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 charcters. std::string point_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 5 characters. Modality for which the distance // applies, see BISON enumeration E9. std::string transport_type; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string user_stop_code_begin, std::string user_stop_code_end, std::string point_data_owner_code, std::string point_code, std::string transport_type); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 5 digits. Distance in meters relative to the start of // the link. double distance_since_start_of_link = 0; // Optional, at most 4 digits. Crossing speed for a public transit vehicle // from the previous point (on a link) in m/s. std::optional segment_speed_mps = 0; // Optional, at most 4 digits. Comfort speed for a public transit vehicle on // the curve point. std::optional local_point_speed_mps = 0; // Optional, at most 255 characters. std::string description; Kv1UserStopPoint *p_user_stop_begin = nullptr; Kv1UserStopPoint *p_user_stop_end = nullptr; Kv1Point *p_point = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 16: Icon [ICON] // // Table with images which can be referred to from DEST.DestIcon, LINE.LineIcon // and JOPATILI.LineDestIcon to load the correct image. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1Icon { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 4 digits. Reference from other tables for the // requested image. short icon_number = 0; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, short icon_number); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 1024 characters. Absolute URI to a publically available // location from which the image can be loaded. The extension of the file // indicates the image type. // Supported file types are: GIF (.gif), JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg), // PNG (.png), SVG (.svg) // Supported protocols are: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP // Prefer to not use any capital letters. Examples: // - http://bison.dova.nu/images/logo.png // - https://bison.dova.nu/images/logo.png // - ftp://ftp.dova.nu/images/logo.png std::string icon_uri; }; // KV1 Table 17: Notice [NOTICE] (OPTIONAL) // // A (reusable) text with supplementary information about exceptions / // clarifications for a line, journey pattern etc. // // Usage is optional; when there are no clarifying texts, the NOTICE table does // not need to be provided in a KV1 set. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1Notice { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 20 characters. Identification of Notice (remark, // clarifying text). std::string notice_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string notice_code); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 1024 characters. Content, text. Contains contact // information such as telephone number, web address and reservation time for // 'call buses' (belbussen) and other demand-based transit. std::string notice_content; }; // KV1 Table 18: Notice Assignment [NTCASSGNM] (OPTIONAL) // // Linking table in which Notice (remark, clarfiying text) is assigned to a // line, journey pattern, stops within a journey pattern, journey etc. Notice // Assignment contains all logical key elements of the corresponding objects to // which a Notice can be assigned. // // Different attributes are required for the Notice Assignment, depending on // the type object to which the Notice is assigned. In the following table // structure, this is indicated as 'Only relevant for ...'. This means that // fields for other object types in the Notice Assignment can be ignored. // // Moreover, it can also occur that not all key fields of the linked table are // of interest (content-wise) for recording the Notice. // // Both matters are summarised in this overview: // // -------------------------------------------------------- // AssignedObject PUJO PUJOPASS LINE JOPATILI // -------------------------------------------------------- // DataOwnerCode........... x ...... x ...... x ..... x ... // TimetableVersionCode ... o ............................. // OrganizationalUnitCode . o ...... o .................... // ScheduleCode .................... o .................... // ScheduleTypeCode ................ o .................... // PeriodGroupCode ........ o ............................. // SpecificDayCode ........ o ............................. // DayType ................ o ............................. // LinePlanningNumber ..... x ...... x ...... x ..... x ... // JourneyNumber .......... x ...... x .................... // StopOrder ....................... o .............. o ... // JourneyPatternCode ............................... x ... // TimingLinkOrder .................................. o ... // UserStopCode .................... o .............. o ... // -------------------------------------------------------- // // Legend: // x - Mandatory. The Notice for this object type is always depndent on the // value of the attribute. // o - Optional. The Notice can be independent of the value of this // attribute for this object type. // - Attribute is no key field for this object type and can be // ignored when processed. // // Usage of Notice Assignment is optional in KV1. If there are no clarifying // texts, then the Notice Assignment table is not required to be present in the // provided KV1 set. // // This table is part of the core data tables, which are common for all KV1 // variants. struct Kv1NoticeAssignment { // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory, at most 20 characters. Notice that is assigned. std::string notice_code; // Mandatory, at most 8 characters. Object type to which Notice is assigned. std::string assigned_object; // Optional, at most 10 characters. Only relevant for PUJO. std::string timetable_version_code; // Optional, at most 10 characters. Only relevant for PUJO and PUJOPASS. std::string organizational_unit_code; // Optional, at most 10 characters. Only relevant for PUJOPASS. std::string schedule_code; // Optional, at most 10 characters. Only relevant for PUJOPASS. std::string schedule_type_code; // Optional, at most 10 characters. Only relevant for PUJO. std::string period_group_code; // Optional, at most 10 characters. Only relevant for PUJO. std::string specific_day_code; // Optional, at most 10 characters. Only relevant for PUJO. // [0|1][0|2][0|3][0|4][0|5][0|6][0|7] for Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. // E.g. 1234500 means Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri but not Sat, Sun. std::string day_type; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Mandatory for all object types. std::string line_planning_number; // Optional (for all object types except PUJO and PUJOPASS), at most 6 // digits. Only relevant for PUJO and PUJOPASS. Must be in the range // [0-1000000). std::optional journey_number; // Optional, at most 4 digits. Only relevant for PUJOPASS and JOPATILI. std::optional stop_order; // Optional (for all object types except JOPATILI), at most 4 digits. Only // relevant for JOPATILI. std::string journey_pattern_code; // Optional (at most 3 digits). Only relevant for JOPATILI. std::optional timing_link_order; // Optional (at most 10 characters). Only relevant for PUJOPASS and JOPATILI. // For JOPATILI, this correspond to the first stop of the link. std::string user_stop_code; Kv1Notice *p_notice = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 19: Time Demand Group [TIMDEMGRP] // // A time demand group is a grouping of the run time distribution from stop to // stop, for a journey pattern (from start to end point). // // This table is part of the KV1 variant "validities and time demand groups". struct Kv1TimeDemandGroup { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string line_planning_number; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Refers to the JOPATILI table. std::string journey_pattern_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Defines the code for the time // demand group. (NOTE: this is not entirely made clear by the specification. // This claim must be verified.) std::string time_demand_group_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string line_planning_number, std::string journey_pattern_code, std::string time_demand_group_code); }; Key key; Kv1Line *p_line = nullptr; Kv1JourneyPattern *p_journey_pattern = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 20: Time Demand Group Run Time [TIMDEMRNT] // // The run time structure/distribution for all timing links of a journey // pattern or a time demand group. // // Optional run time elements are, when these are present, used to more // accurately calculate expected departure times based on punctuality // deviations. // // This table is part of the KV1 variant "validities and time demand groups". struct Kv1TimeDemandGroupRunTime { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string line_planning_number; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Refers to the JOPATILI table. std::string journey_pattern_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Refers to the TIMDEMGRP table. std::string time_demand_group_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 3 digits. Reference number of a link within the // journey pattern (a link can occur more than once within a journey // pattern). short timing_link_order = 0; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string line_planning_number, std::string journey_pattern_code, std::string time_demand_group_code, short timing_link_order); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Refers to the first stop of the link. std::string user_stop_code_begin; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Refers to the last stop of the link. std::string user_stop_code_end; // Mandatory, at most 5 digits. Planned total run time on link for time // demand group: (Departure time end stop - departure time begin stop) // corresponding to the time demand group. In seconds. double total_drive_time_s = 0; // Mandatory, at most 5 digits. Planned minimal run time on link for time // demand group. Often calculated as: (Arrival time end stop - arrival time // begin stop) corresponding to the time demand group. In seconds. double drive_time_s = 0; // Optional, at most 5 digits. Expected/planned delay/congestion on link for // time demand group. In seconds. std::optional expected_delay_s; // Optional, at most 5 digits. Layover/catch-up time. Gives play in the // timetable. In seconds. // LayOverTime = TotDriveTime - DriveTime + ExpectedDelay - StopWaitTime. std::optional layover_time; // Mandatory, at most 5 digits. Planned stop waiting time at the final stop // of the link for the time demand group. Determined based on the difference // between the departure time and arrival time at this stop. Is zero when no // waiting time is planned for this stop. In seconds. double stop_wait_time = 0; // Optional, at most 5 digits. Planned minimal stop time for // boarding/alighting of passengers at the final stop of the link for the // time demand group. Application: at hub stops with a planned waiting time, // the difference between the planned waiting time and the minimum stop time // is the layover/catch-up time. In seconds. std::optional minimum_stop_time; Kv1Line *p_line = nullptr; Kv1UserStopPoint *p_user_stop_begin = nullptr; Kv1UserStopPoint *p_user_stop_end = nullptr; Kv1JourneyPattern *p_journey_pattern = nullptr; Kv1TimeDemandGroup *p_time_demand_group = nullptr; Kv1JourneyPatternTimingLink *p_journey_pattern_timing_link = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 21: Period Group [PEGR] // // Period group is an indication of a 'homogeneous period' during the year, // i.e. a period in which the schedule has the same composition w.r.t. // frequencies and run times. // // This table is part of the KV1 variant "validities and time demand groups". struct Kv1PeriodGroup { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string period_group_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string period_group_code); }; Key key; // Optional, at most 255 characters. std::string description; }; // KV1 Table 22: Specific Day [SPECDAY] // // A specific day is a feature of a day for which a deviating service level is // provided, respective to a normal day of the week. // // E.g. shopping Sundays (koopzondagen, if not every Sunday), New Year's Eve // (oudejaarsdag), foreign bank holidays (as applicable). // // This table is part of the KV1 variant "validities and time demand groups". struct Kv1SpecificDay { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Default: "NORMAL". std::string specific_day_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string specific_day_code); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 50 characters. std::string name; // Optional, at most 255 characters. std::string description; }; // KV1 Table 23: Timetable Version [TIVE] // // A timetable version budles all planned activities for an organizational // unit. For the public schedule, these are trips, routes, run times etc. // // When processing a new Timetable Version, it is checked if another TIVE with // the same key has already been processed. If this is the case, ValidFrom must // be equal to the starting date of the previously provided set. The new set // replaces the older one. A package with a new starting date is only processed // if another TimetableVersionCode is used. // // This table is part of the KV1 variant "validities and time demand groups". struct Kv1TimetableVersion { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string organizational_unit_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string timetable_version_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 charactes. std::string period_group_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Default: "NORMAL". std::string specific_day_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string organizational_unit_code, std::string timetable_version_code, std::string period_group_code, std::string specific_day_code); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Datum on which the timetable goes into // effect, following the YYYY-MM-DD format. std::chrono::year_month_day valid_from; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Value: "PUBT". std::string timetable_version_type; // Optional, at most 10 characters. Datum on which the timetable goes out of // effect, following the YYYY-MM-DD format. std::optional valid_thru; // Optional, at most 255 characters. Should be null/empty. std::string description; Kv1OrganizationalUnit *p_organizational_unit = nullptr; Kv1PeriodGroup *p_period_group = nullptr; Kv1SpecificDay *p_specific_day = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 24: Public Journey [PUJO] // // Public journeys are journeys that are operated by a public transit // organization and are accessible to the passenger. // // Business rules: // - If ShowFlexibleTrip or ProductFormulaType is set in a record of this // table, this takes precedence over the value as in the corresponding // JOPATILI entry. // // This table is part of the KV1 variant "validities and time demand groups". struct Kv1PublicJourney { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string timetable_version_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string organizational_unit_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string period_group_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string specific_day_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 7 characters. // [0|1][0|2][0|3][0|4][0|5][0|6][0|7] for Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. // E.g. 1234500 means Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri but not Sat, Sun. // TODO: See if we can make this into a more concrete type std::string day_type; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string line_planning_number; // Mandatory (key), at most 6 digits. Must be in the range [0-1000000). int journey_number = 0; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string timetable_version_code, std::string organizational_unit_code, std::string period_group_code, std::string specific_day_code, std::string day_type, std::string line_planning_number, int journey_number); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. std::string time_demand_group_code; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. std::string journey_pattern_code; // Mandatory, at most 8 characters. Format: "HH:MM:SS". std::chrono::hh_mm_ss departure_time; // Mandatory, at most 13 characters. Values as in BISON enumeration E3. // Allowed are: "ACCESSIBLE", "NOTACCESSIBLE" and "UNKNOWN". // TODO: See if we can fit BISON enumeration E3 into an enum std::string wheelchair_accessible; // Mandatory, at most 5 characters. Boolean. Value "true": journey is // operator by DataOwner. Value "false": journey is operator by a different // DataOwner. Indicator is meant for a line that is operated jointly by // multiple transit operators. The indicator is used to be able to match the // journey operation (KV6, KV19 etc.); only journeys for which the indicator // is "true" can be expected to have corresponding current/real-time // information, although "true" doesn't necessarily mean that this // current/real-time information will (always) become available. bool data_owner_is_operator = false; // Mandatory, at most 5 characters. Boolean. Indicates whether // current/real-time journey information may be expected for the // corresponding journey ("true" or "false"). bool planned_monitored = false; // Optional, at most 4 digits. BISON enumeration E10. Intended to allow // capturing transit mode features at the journey level. // TODO: See if we can make BISON enumeration E10 into an enum std::optional product_formula_type; // Optional, at most 8 characters. Indicates whether the transit operator // wants that a not-explicitly planned trip (i.e. a journey that only runs on // reservation, e.g. 'call bus' (belbus), 'line taxi' (lijntaxi) etc.) to be // shown on displays. Values following BISON enumeration E21: TRUE (always), // FALSE (never), REALTIME (only when journey is tracked). // TODO: See if we can make BISON enumeration E21 into an enum std::string show_flexible_trip; Kv1TimetableVersion *p_timetable_version = nullptr; Kv1OrganizationalUnit *p_organizational_unit = nullptr; Kv1PeriodGroup *p_period_group = nullptr; Kv1SpecificDay *p_specific_day = nullptr; Kv1Line *p_line = nullptr; Kv1TimeDemandGroup *p_time_demand_group = nullptr; Kv1JourneyPattern *p_journey_pattern = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 25: Period Group Validity [PEGRVAL] // // Validities (multiple from-thru data) of a period group. // // This table is part of the KV1 variant "validities and time demand groups". struct Kv1PeriodGroupValidity { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string organizational_unit_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string period_group_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Date of the start of the validity // period. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD". std::chrono::year_month_day valid_from; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string organizational_unit_code, std::string period_group_code, std::chrono::year_month_day valid_from); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Date of the end of the validity period. // Format: "YYYY-MM-DD". std::chrono::year_month_day valid_thru; Kv1OrganizationalUnit *p_organizational_unit = nullptr; Kv1PeriodGroup *p_period_group = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 26: Exceptional Operating Day [EXCOPDAY] // // Contains exceptional validity dates, for which the service runs following a // different day type (such as another day of the week or a different period). // // This table is part of the KV1 variant "validities and time demand groups". struct Kv1ExceptionalOperatingDay { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Organization unit for which an // exceptional day validity applies. std::string organizational_unit_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 23 characters. Date (+ time) for which the // exceptional validity applies. Format: "YYYYMMDDThh:mm:ssTZD". std::chrono::sys_seconds valid_date; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string organizational_unit_code, std::chrono::sys_seconds valid_date); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 7 characters. The exceptional day type that applies on // a calendar day: [0|1][0|2][0|3][0|4][0|5][0|6][0|7] for Mon, Tue, Wed, // Thu, Fri, Sat. // E.g. 1234500 means Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri but not Sat, Sun. // TODO: See if we can make this into a more concrete type std::string day_type_as_on; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Specific day service level to which the // exceptional day validity refers. std::string specific_day_code; // Optional, at most 10 characters. An exceptional day validity can be // related to the service level of another period (e.g. the school holiday // schedule). This exceptional period reference is set here. // // E.g. on Good Friday or the day after Ascension day, transit runs according // to the holiday season schedule, while transit runs following the winter // package in the surrounding days. std::string period_group_code; // Optional, at most 255 characters. std::string description; Kv1OrganizationalUnit *p_organizational_unit = nullptr; Kv1SpecificDay *p_specific_day = nullptr; Kv1PeriodGroup *p_period_group = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 27: Schedule Version [SCHEDVERS] // // A schedule version bundles the planned activities for an organisation unit // per day type. The journeys with passing times and corresponding routes are // for the public timetable. // // When processing a new Schedule Version, it is checked if another SCHEDVERS // with the same key has already been processed. If this is the case, ValidFrom // must be equal to the starting date of the previously provided set. The new // set replaces the older one. A package with a new starting date is only // processed if another Schedule Code is used. // // This table is part of the KV1 variant "schedules and passing times". struct Kv1ScheduleVersion { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string organizational_unit_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. A unique code in combination with // the ScheduleTypeCode of the package within the ORUN. std::string schedule_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Code for the Schedule Type (Day Type). std::string schedule_type_code; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string organizational_unit_code, std::string schedule_code, std::string schedule_type_code); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. Date on which the schedule goes into // effect. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD". std::chrono::year_month_day valid_from; // Optional, at most 10 characters. Date on which the schedule goes out of // effect. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD". std::optional valid_thru; // Optional, at most 255 characters. Should be empty/null. std::string description; Kv1OrganizationalUnit *p_organizational_unit = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 28: Public Journey Passing Times [PUJOPASS] // // Public journey with arrival and departure times at all stops (and other // timing points). // // Business rules: // - If ShowFlexibleTrip or ProductFormulaType is set here, then this takes // precedence over the value in the corresponding JOPATILI record. // - All stop passings of a public journey refer to the same journey pattern // (JOPA)! // // This table is part of the KV1 variant "schedules and passing times". struct Kv1PublicJourneyPassingTimes { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string organizational_unit_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. A unique code in combination with // the ScheduleTypeCode of the package within the ORUN. std::string schedule_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Code for the Schedule Type (e.g. // Day Type). std::string schedule_type_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string line_planning_number; // Mandatory (key), at most 6 digits. Must be in the range [0-1000000). int journey_number = 0; // Mandatory (key), at most 4 digits. short stop_order = 0; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string organizational_unit_code, std::string schedule_code, std::string schedule_type_code, std::string line_planning_number, int journey_number, short stop_order); }; Key key; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. std::string journey_pattern_code; // Mandatory, at most 10 characters. std::string user_stop_code; // Mandatory (except for the first stop of a journey), at most 8 digits. Not // compulsory for the first stop of a journey. Format: "HH:MM:SS". std::optional> target_arrival_time; // Mandatory (expect for the last stop of a journey), at most 8 digits. Not // compulsory for the last stop of a journey. Format: "HH:MM:SS". std::optional> target_departure_time; // Mandatory, at most 13 characters. Values as in BISON enumeration E3. // Allowed are: "ACCESSIBLE", "NOTACCESSIBLE" and "UNKNOWN". // TODO: See if we can fit BISON enumeration E3 into an enum std::string wheelchair_accessible; // Mandatory, at most 5 characters. Boolean. Value "true": journey is // operator by DataOwner. Value "false": journey is operator by a different // DataOwner. Indicator is meant for a line that is operated jointly by // multiple transit operators. The indicator is used to be able to match the // journey operation (KV6, KV19 etc.); only journeys for which the indicator // is "true" can be expected to have corresponding current/real-time // information, although "true" doesn't necessarily mean that this // current/real-time information will (always) become available. bool data_owner_is_operator = false; // Mandatory, at most 5 characters. Boolean. Indicates whether // current/real-time journey information may be expected for the // corresponding journey ("true" or "false"). bool planned_monitored = false; // Optional, at most 4 digits. BISON enumeration E10. Intended to allow // capturing transit mode features at the journey level. // TODO: See if we can make BISON enumeration E10 into an enum std::optional product_formula_type; // Optional, at most 8 characters. Indicates whether the transit operator // wants that a not-explicitly planned trip (i.e. a journey that only runs on // reservation, e.g. 'call bus' (belbus), 'line taxi' (lijntaxi) etc.) to be // shown on displays. Values following BISON enumeration E21: TRUE (always), // FALSE (never), REALTIME (only when journey is tracked). // TODO: See if we can make BISON enumeration E21 into an enum std::string show_flexible_trip; Kv1OrganizationalUnit *p_organizational_unit = nullptr; Kv1ScheduleVersion *p_schedule_version = nullptr; Kv1Line *p_line = nullptr; Kv1JourneyPattern *p_journey_pattern = nullptr; Kv1UserStopPoint *p_user_stop = nullptr; }; // KV1 Table 29: Operating Day [OPERDAY] // // Contains the operational calendar. Which package (schedule version) applies // is specified per day, per organisation unit. // // This table is part of the KV1 variant "schedules and passing times". struct Kv1OperatingDay { struct Key { // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Transport operator (from list as // defined in BISON enumeration E1). std::string data_owner_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string organizational_unit_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string schedule_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. std::string schedule_type_code; // Mandatory (key), at most 10 characters. Date on which the package // (schedule version) applies. Format: "YYYY-MM-DD". std::chrono::year_month_day valid_date; explicit Key(std::string data_owner_code, std::string organizational_unit_code, std::string schedule_code, std::string schedule_type_code, std::chrono::year_month_day valid_date); }; Key key; // Optional, at most 255 characters. std::string description; Kv1OrganizationalUnit *p_organizational_unit = nullptr; Kv1ScheduleVersion *p_schedule_version = nullptr; }; bool operator==(const Kv1OrganizationalUnit::Key &a, const Kv1OrganizationalUnit::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1HigherOrganizationalUnit::Key &a, const Kv1HigherOrganizationalUnit::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1UserStopPoint::Key &a, const Kv1UserStopPoint::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1UserStopArea::Key &a, const Kv1UserStopArea::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1TimingLink::Key &a, const Kv1TimingLink::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1Link::Key &a, const Kv1Link::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1Line::Key &a, const Kv1Line::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1Destination::Key &a, const Kv1Destination::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1JourneyPattern::Key &a, const Kv1JourneyPattern::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1ConcessionFinancerRelation::Key &a, const Kv1ConcessionFinancerRelation::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1ConcessionArea::Key &a, const Kv1ConcessionArea::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1Financer::Key &a, const Kv1Financer::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1JourneyPatternTimingLink::Key &a, const Kv1JourneyPatternTimingLink::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1Point::Key &a, const Kv1Point::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1PointOnLink::Key &a, const Kv1PointOnLink::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1Icon::Key &a, const Kv1Icon::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1Notice::Key &a, const Kv1Notice::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1TimeDemandGroup::Key &a, const Kv1TimeDemandGroup::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1TimeDemandGroupRunTime::Key &a, const Kv1TimeDemandGroupRunTime::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1PeriodGroup::Key &a, const Kv1PeriodGroup::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1SpecificDay::Key &a, const Kv1SpecificDay::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1TimetableVersion::Key &a, const Kv1TimetableVersion::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1PublicJourney::Key &a, const Kv1PublicJourney::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1PeriodGroupValidity::Key &a, const Kv1PeriodGroupValidity::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1ExceptionalOperatingDay::Key &a, const Kv1ExceptionalOperatingDay::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1ScheduleVersion::Key &a, const Kv1ScheduleVersion::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1PublicJourneyPassingTimes::Key &a, const Kv1PublicJourneyPassingTimes::Key &b); bool operator==(const Kv1OperatingDay::Key &a, const Kv1OperatingDay::Key &b); size_t hash_value(const Kv1OrganizationalUnit::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1HigherOrganizationalUnit::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1UserStopPoint::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1UserStopArea::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1TimingLink::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1Link::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1Line::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1Destination::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1JourneyPattern::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1ConcessionFinancerRelation::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1ConcessionArea::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1Financer::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1JourneyPatternTimingLink::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1Point::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1PointOnLink::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1Icon::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1Notice::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1TimeDemandGroup::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1TimeDemandGroupRunTime::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1PeriodGroup::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1SpecificDay::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1TimetableVersion::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1PublicJourney::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1PeriodGroupValidity::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1ExceptionalOperatingDay::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1ScheduleVersion::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1PublicJourneyPassingTimes::Key &k); size_t hash_value(const Kv1OperatingDay::Key &k); #endif // OEUF_LIBTMI8_KV1_TYPES_HPP