const std = @import("std"); const testing = std.testing; pub const Encoder = struct { const Self = @This(); buffer: []const u8, index: ?usize, bit_off: u3, pub fn init(buffer: []const u8) Encoder { return .{ .buffer = buffer, .index = 0, .bit_off = 0, }; } pub fn calcSize(source_len: usize) usize { const source_len_bits = source_len * 8; return source_len_bits / 5 + (if (source_len_bits % 5 > 0) @as(usize, 1) else 0); } pub fn encode(dest: []u8, source: []const u8) []const u8 { const out_len = calcSize(source.len); std.debug.assert(dest.len >= out_len); var e = init(source); for (dest[0..out_len]) |*b| b.* = orelse unreachable; return dest[0..out_len]; } // Calculates the amount of bits can be read from `self.buffer[self.index]`, // with a maximum of 5 and an offset of `self.bit_off`. fn frontBitsLen(self: *const Self) u3 { // bit_off frontBitsLen // 0 5 // 1 5 // 2 5 // 3 5 // 4 4 // 5 3 // 6 2 // 7 1 return if (self.bit_off <= 3) 5 else 7 - self.bit_off + 1; } // Returns the bits of `self.buffer[self.index]`, read with an offset of `self.bit_off`, // aligned to the left of the 5-bit unsigned integer. // Returns null if `self.index` is null. // An illustration of its behaviour, with `self.buffer[self.index]` being 0b10010111: // | `self.bit_off` | `frontBits` | // |----------------|-------------| // | 0 | 0b10010 | // | 1 | 0b00101 | // | 2 | 0b01011 | // | 3 | 0b10111 | // | 4 | 0b01110 | // | 5 | 0b11100 | // | 6 | 0b11000 | // | 7 | 0b10000 | fn frontBits(self: *const Self) ?u5 { // bit_off bitmask shl shr frontBits // 0 0b11111000 3 0b11111 // 1 0b01111100 2 0b11111 // 2 0b00111110 1 0b11111 // 3 0b00011111 0 0 0b11111 // 4 0b00001111 1 0b11110 // 5 0b00000111 2 0b11100 // 6 0b00000011 3 0b11000 // 7 0b00000001 4 0b10000 const index = self.index orelse return null; const bitmask = @as(u8, 0b11111000) >> self.bit_off; const bits = self.buffer[index] & bitmask; if (self.bit_off >= 4) return @truncate(u5, bits << (self.bit_off - 3)); return @truncate(u5, bits >> (3 - self.bit_off)); } // Returns the `self.buffer[self.index]` with the maximum amount specified by the `bits` parameter, // aligned to the right of the 5-bit unsigned integer. // Because a 5-bit integer is returned, not more than 5 bits can be read. `bits` must not be greater than 5. // An illustration of its behaviour, with `self.buffer[self.index]` being 0b11101001: // | `bits` | `backBits` | // |--------|------------| // | 0 | 0b00000 | // | 1 | 0b10000 | // | 2 | 0b11000 | // | 3 | 0b11100 | // | 4 | 0b11100 | // | 5 | 0b11101 | fn backBits(self: *const Self, bits: u3) u5 { std.debug.assert(bits <= 5); if (bits == 0 or self.index == null) return 0; return @truncate(u5, self.buffer[self.index.?] >> (7 - bits + 1)); } // Returns the next 5-bit integer, read from `self.buffer`. fn nextU5(self: *Self) ?u5 { // `self.buffer` is read 5 bits at a time by `nextU5`. // Because of the elements of `self.buffer` being 8 bits each, we need to // read from 2 bytes from `self.buffer` to return a whole u5. // `front_bits` are the bits that come first, read from `self.buffer[self.index]`. // `back_bits` are the bits that come last, read from `self.buffer[self.index + 1]`. // `back_bits` is only used when we can't read 5 bits from `self.buffer[self.index]`. const front_bits = self.frontBits() orelse return null; const n_front_bits = self.frontBitsLen(); var back_bits: u5 = 0; if (self.bit_off >= 3) { // Next time we'll need to read from the next byte in `self.buffer`. // We may need to grab the back bits from that next byte for this call too (if it exist). self.bit_off -= 3; // same as self.bit_off + 5 - 8 const new_index = self.index.? + 1; if (self.buffer.len > new_index) { self.index = new_index; back_bits = self.backBits(5 - n_front_bits); } else { self.index = null; } } else { // We need to read from the current byte in the next call to `nextU5` too. self.bit_off += 5; } return front_bits | back_bits; } // Returns the corresponding ASCII character for 5 bits of the input. fn char(unencoded: u5) u8 { return unencoded + (if (unencoded < 26) @as(u8, 'A') else '2' - 26); } // Returns the next byte of the encoded buffer. pub fn next(self: *Self) ?u8 { const unencoded = self.nextU5() orelse return null; return char(unencoded); } }; pub const DecodeError = error{CorruptInputError}; pub const Decoder = struct { const Self = @This(); buffer: []const u8, index: ?usize, buf: u8, buf_len: u4, pub fn init(buffer: []const u8) Self { return .{ .buffer = buffer, .index = 0, .buf_len = 0, .buf = 0, }; } pub fn calcSize(source_len: usize) usize { const source_len_bits = source_len * 5; return source_len_bits / 8; } pub fn decode(dest: []u8, source: []const u8) DecodeError![]const u8 { const out_len = calcSize(source.len); std.debug.assert(dest.len >= out_len); var d = init(source); for (dest[0..out_len]) |*b| b.* = (try orelse unreachable; return dest[0..out_len]; } fn decodeChar(p: u8) DecodeError!u5 { var value: u5 = 0; if (p >= 'A' and p <= 'Z') { value = @truncate(u5, p - @as(u8, 'A')); } else if (p >= '2' and p <= '9') { // '2' -> 26 value = @truncate(u5, p - @as(u8, '2') + 26); } else { return error.CorruptInputError; } return value; } fn nextU5(self: *Self) DecodeError!?u5 { const index = self.index orelse return null; self.index = if (index + 1 < self.buffer.len) index + 1 else null; return try decodeChar(self.buffer[index]); } pub fn next(self: *Self) DecodeError!?u8 { var read_any = false; while (true) { const c = (try self.nextU5()) orelse break; const buf_remaining_len = 8 - self.buf_len; const write_len = if (buf_remaining_len > 5) 5 else buf_remaining_len; const c_remaining_len = 5 - write_len; self.buf |= (@as(u8, c) << 3) >> @truncate(u3, self.buf_len); self.buf_len += write_len; read_any = true; if (self.buf_len == 8) { const ret = self.buf; self.buf_len = c_remaining_len; self.buf = 0; if (write_len != 5) self.buf = @as(u8, c) << @truncate(u3, write_len + 3); return ret; } } if ((self.buf_len == 0 or self.buf == 0) and !read_any) return null; const ret = self.buf; self.buf_len = 0; self.buf = 0; return ret; } }; test { const encoded = "ORUGS4ZANFZSAYJAORSXG5A"; const decoded = "this is a test"; var decode_buf: [Decoder.calcSize(encoded.len)]u8 = undefined; _ = try Decoder.decode(&decode_buf, encoded); try testing.expectEqualStrings(decoded, &decode_buf); } test { const encoded = "SNAH7EH5X4P5R2M2RGF3LVAL6NRFIXLN2E67O6FNRUQ4JCQBPL64GEBPLY"; const decoded = [_]u8{ 0x93, 0x40, 0x7f, 0x90, 0xfd, 0xbf, 0x1f, 0xd8, 0xe9, 0x9a, 0x89, 0x8b, 0xb5, 0xd4, 0x0b, 0xf3, 0x62, 0x54, 0x5d, 0x6d, 0xd1, 0x3d, 0xf7, 0x78, 0xad, 0x8d, 0x21, 0xc4, 0x8a, 0x01, 0x7a, 0xfd, 0xc3, 0x10, 0x2f, 0x5e }; var decode_buf: [Decoder.calcSize(encoded.len)]u8 = undefined; _ = try Decoder.decode(&decode_buf, encoded); try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &decoded, &decode_buf); }