const std = @import("std"); const ascii = std.ascii; const base32 = @import("base32.zig"); const crc16 = @import("crc16.zig"); const crypto = std.crypto; const Ed25519 = crypto.sign.Ed25519; const mem = std.mem; const testing = std.testing; pub const InvalidPrefixByteError = error{InvalidPrefixByte}; pub const InvalidEncodingError = error{InvalidEncoding}; pub const InvalidPrivateKeyError = error{InvalidPrivateKey}; pub const InvalidSeedError = error{InvalidSeed}; pub const InvalidSignatureError = error{InvalidSignature}; pub const NoNkeySeedFoundError = error{NoNkeySeedFound}; pub const NoNkeyUserSeedFoundError = error{NoNkeyUserSeedFound}; pub const DecodeError = InvalidPrefixByteError || base32.DecodeError || crc16.InvalidChecksumError; pub const SeedDecodeError = DecodeError || InvalidSeedError || crypto.errors.IdentityElementError; pub const PrivateKeyDecodeError = DecodeError || InvalidPrivateKeyError || crypto.errors.IdentityElementError; pub const SignError = crypto.errors.IdentityElementError || crypto.errors.WeakPublicKeyError || crypto.errors.KeyMismatchError; pub const KeyTypePrefixByte = enum(u8) { const Self = @This(); seed = 18 << 3, // S private = 15 << 3, // P fn char(self: Self) u8 { switch (self) { .seed => 'S', .private => 'P', } } fn fromChar(c: u8) InvalidPrefixByteError!Self { return switch (c) { 'S' => .seed, 'P' => .private, else => error.InvalidPrefixByte, }; } }; pub const PublicPrefixByte = enum(u8) { const Self = @This(); account = 0, // A cluster = 2 << 3, // C operator = 14 << 3, // O server = 13 << 3, // N user = 20 << 3, // U fn fromU8(b: u8) InvalidPrefixByteError!PublicPrefixByte { return switch (b) { @enumToInt(PublicPrefixByte.server) => .server, @enumToInt(PublicPrefixByte.cluster) => .cluster, @enumToInt(PublicPrefixByte.operator) => .operator, @enumToInt(PublicPrefixByte.account) => .account, @enumToInt(PublicPrefixByte.user) => .user, else => error.InvalidPrefixByte, }; } fn fromChar(c: u8) InvalidPrefixByteError!Self { return switch (c) { 'A' => .account, 'C' => .cluster, 'O' => .operator, 'N' => .server, 'U' => .user, else => error.InvalidPrefixByte, }; } }; pub const SeedKeyPair = struct { const Self = @This(); prefix: PublicPrefixByte, kp: Ed25519.KeyPair, pub fn generate(prefix: PublicPrefixByte) crypto.errors.IdentityElementError!Self { var raw_seed: [Ed25519.seed_length]u8 = undefined; crypto.random.bytes(&raw_seed); defer wipeBytes(&raw_seed); return Self{ .prefix = prefix, .kp = try Ed25519.KeyPair.create(raw_seed) }; } pub fn fromTextSeed(text: *const text_seed) SeedDecodeError!Self { var decoded = try decode(2, Ed25519.seed_length, text); defer decoded.wipe(); // gets copied var key_ty_prefix = decoded.prefix[0] & 0b11111000; var entity_ty_prefix = (decoded.prefix[0] << 5) | (decoded.prefix[1] >> 3); if (key_ty_prefix != @enumToInt(KeyTypePrefixByte.seed)) return error.InvalidSeed; return Self{ .prefix = try PublicPrefixByte.fromU8(entity_ty_prefix), .kp = try Ed25519.KeyPair.create(, }; } pub fn fromRawSeed( prefix: PublicPrefixByte, raw_seed: *const [Ed25519.seed_length]u8, ) crypto.errors.IdentityElementError!Self { return Self{ .prefix = prefix, .kp = try Ed25519.KeyPair.create(raw_seed.*) }; } pub fn sign( self: *const Self, msg: []const u8, ) SignError![Ed25519.signature_length]u8 { return Ed25519.sign(msg,, null); } pub fn verify( self: *const Self, msg: []const u8, sig: [Ed25519.signature_length]u8, ) InvalidSignatureError!void { Ed25519.verify(sig, msg, catch return error.InvalidSignature; } pub fn seedText(self: *const Self) text_seed { const full_prefix = &[_]u8{ @enumToInt(KeyTypePrefixByte.seed) | (@enumToInt(self.prefix) >> 5), (@enumToInt(self.prefix) & 0b00011111) << 3, }; const seed =[0..Ed25519.seed_length]; return encode(full_prefix.len, seed.len, full_prefix, seed); } pub fn privateKeyText(self: *const Self) text_private { return encode(1,, &.{@enumToInt(KeyTypePrefixByte.private)}, &; } pub fn publicKeyText(self: *const Self) text_public { return encode(1,, &.{@enumToInt(self.prefix)}, &; } pub fn intoPublicKey(self: *const Self) PublicKey { return PublicKey{ .prefix = self.prefix, .key =, }; } pub fn intoPrivateKey(self: *const Self) PrivateKey { return PrivateKey{ .kp = }; } pub fn wipe(self: *Self) void { self.prefix = .account; wipeKeyPair(&; } }; fn wipeKeyPair(kp: *Ed25519.KeyPair) void { wipeBytes(&kp.public_key); wipeBytes(&kp.secret_key); } fn wipeBytes(bs: []u8) void { for (bs) |*b| b.* = 0; } pub const PublicKey = struct { const Self = @This(); prefix: PublicPrefixByte, key: [Ed25519.public_length]u8, pub fn fromTextPublicKey(text: *const text_public) DecodeError!Self { var decoded = try decode(1, Ed25519.public_length, text); defer decoded.wipe(); // gets copied return PublicKey{ .prefix = try PublicPrefixByte.fromU8(decoded.prefix[0]), .key =, }; } pub fn fromRawPublicKey( prefix: PublicPrefixByte, raw_key: *const [Ed25519.public_length]u8, ) Self { return Self{ .prefix = prefix, .key = raw_key.* }; } pub fn publicKeyText(self: *const Self) text_public { return encode(1, self.key.len, &.{@enumToInt(self.prefix)}, &self.key); } pub fn verify( self: *const Self, msg: []const u8, sig: [Ed25519.signature_length]u8, ) InvalidSignatureError!void { Ed25519.verify(sig, msg, self.key) catch return error.InvalidSignature; } pub fn wipe(self: *Self) void { self.prefix = .account; wipeBytes(&self.key); } }; pub const PrivateKey = struct { const Self = @This(); kp: Ed25519.KeyPair, pub fn fromTextPrivateKey(text: *const text_private) PrivateKeyDecodeError!Self { var decoded = try decode(1, Ed25519.secret_length, text); defer decoded.wipe(); // gets copied if (decoded.prefix[0] != @enumToInt(KeyTypePrefixByte.private)) return error.InvalidPrivateKey; return PrivateKey{ .kp = Ed25519.KeyPair.fromSecretKey( }; } pub fn fromRawPrivateKey(raw_key: *const [Ed25519.secret_length]u8) Self { return Self{ .kp = Ed25519.KeyPair.fromSecretKey(raw_key.*) }; } pub fn intoSeedKeyPair(self: *const Self, prefix: PublicPrefixByte) SeedKeyPair { return SeedKeyPair{ .prefix = prefix, .kp =, }; } pub fn intoPublicKey(self: *const Self, prefix: PublicPrefixByte) PublicKey { return PublicKey{ .prefix = prefix, .key =, }; } pub fn privateKeyText(self: *const Self) text_private { return encode(1,, &.{@enumToInt(KeyTypePrefixByte.private)}, &; } pub fn sign( self: *const Self, msg: []const u8, ) SignError![Ed25519.signature_length]u8 { return Ed25519.sign(msg,, null); } pub fn verify( self: *const Self, msg: []const u8, sig: [Ed25519.signature_length]u8, ) InvalidSignatureError!void { Ed25519.verify(sig, msg, catch return error.InvalidSignature; } pub fn wipe(self: *Self) void { wipeKeyPair(&; } }; // One prefix byte, two CRC bytes const binary_private_size = 1 + Ed25519.secret_length + 2; // One prefix byte, two CRC bytes const binary_public_size = 1 + Ed25519.public_length + 2; // Two prefix bytes, two CRC bytes const binary_seed_size = 2 + Ed25519.seed_length + 2; pub const text_private_len = base32.Encoder.calcSize(binary_private_size); pub const text_public_len = base32.Encoder.calcSize(binary_public_size); pub const text_seed_len = base32.Encoder.calcSize(binary_seed_size); pub const text_private = [text_private_len]u8; pub const text_public = [text_public_len]u8; pub const text_seed = [text_seed_len]u8; fn encoded_key(comptime prefix_len: usize, comptime data_len: usize) type { return [base32.Encoder.calcSize(prefix_len + data_len + 2)]u8; } fn encode( comptime prefix_len: usize, comptime data_len: usize, prefix: *const [prefix_len]u8, data: *const [data_len]u8, ) encoded_key(prefix_len, data_len) { var buf: [prefix_len + data_len + 2]u8 = undefined; defer wipeBytes(&buf); mem.copy(u8, &buf, prefix[0..]); mem.copy(u8, buf[prefix_len..], data[0..]); var off = prefix_len + data_len; var checksum = crc16.make(buf[]); mem.writeIntLittle(u16, buf[buf.len - 2 .. buf.len], checksum); var text: encoded_key(prefix_len, data_len) = undefined; std.debug.assert(base32.Encoder.encode(&text, &buf).len == text.len); return text; } fn DecodedNkey(comptime prefix_len: usize, comptime data_len: usize) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); prefix: [prefix_len]u8, data: [data_len]u8, pub fn wipe(self: *Self) void { self.prefix[0] = @enumToInt(PublicPrefixByte.account); wipeBytes(&; } }; } fn decode( comptime prefix_len: usize, comptime data_len: usize, text: *const [base32.Encoder.calcSize(prefix_len + data_len + 2)]u8, ) (base32.DecodeError || crc16.InvalidChecksumError)!DecodedNkey(prefix_len, data_len) { var raw: [prefix_len + data_len + 2]u8 = undefined; defer wipeBytes(&raw); std.debug.assert((try base32.Decoder.decode(&raw, text[0..])).len == raw.len); var checksum = mem.readIntLittle(u16, raw[raw.len - 2 .. raw.len]); try crc16.validate(raw[0 .. raw.len - 2], checksum); return DecodedNkey(prefix_len, data_len){ .prefix = raw[0..prefix_len].*, .data = raw[prefix_len .. raw.len - 2].*, }; } pub fn isValidEncoding(text: []const u8) bool { if (text.len < 4) return false; var made_crc: u16 = 0; var dec = base32.Decoder.init(text); var crc_buf: [2]u8 = undefined; var crc_buf_len: u8 = 0; var expect_len: usize = base32.Decoder.calcSize(text.len); var wrote_n_total: usize = 0; while ( catch return false) |b| { wrote_n_total += 1; if (crc_buf_len == 2) made_crc = crc16.update(made_crc, &.{crc_buf[0]}); crc_buf[0] = crc_buf[1]; crc_buf[1] = b; if (crc_buf_len != 2) crc_buf_len += 1; } std.debug.assert(wrote_n_total == expect_len); if (crc_buf_len != 2) unreachable; var got_crc = mem.readIntLittle(u16, &crc_buf); return made_crc == got_crc; } pub fn isValidSeed(text: []const u8, with_type: ?PublicPrefixByte) bool { if (text.len < text_seed_len) return false; var res = SeedKeyPair.fromTextSeed(text[0..text_seed_len]) catch return false; defer res.wipe(); return if (with_type) |ty| res.prefix == ty else true; } pub fn isValidPublicKey(text: []const u8, with_type: ?PublicPrefixByte) bool { if (text.len < text_public_len) return false; var res = PublicKey.fromTextPublicKey(text[0..text_public_len]) catch return false; defer res.wipe(); return if (with_type) |ty| res.prefix == ty else true; } pub fn isValidPrivateKey(text: []const u8) bool { if (text.len < text_private_len) return false; var res = PrivateKey.fromTextPrivateKey(text[0..text_private_len]) catch return false; res.wipe(); return true; } // `line` must not contain CR or LF characters. pub fn isKeySectionBarrier(line: []const u8) bool { return line.len >= 6 and mem.startsWith(u8, line, "---") and mem.endsWith(u8, line, "---"); } const allowed_creds_section_chars_table: [256]bool = allowed: { var table = [_]bool{false} ** 256; const chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-.="; for (chars) |char| table[char] = true; break :allowed table; }; pub fn areKeySectionContentsValid(contents: []const u8) bool { for (contents) |c| if (!allowed_creds_section_chars_table[c]) return false; return true; } pub fn findKeySection(text: []const u8, line_it: *std.mem.SplitIterator) ?[]const u8 { // TODO(rutgerbrf): There is a weird edge case in the library, // see It allows the opening barrier to start at an // arbitrary point on the line, meaning that `asdf-----BEGIN USER NKEY SEED-----` // is regarded as a valid opening barrier by the library. // Should we accept a creds file formatted in such a manner? while (true) { const opening_line = orelse return null; if (!isKeySectionBarrier(opening_line)) continue; const contents_line = orelse return null; if (!areKeySectionContentsValid(contents_line)) continue; const closing_line = orelse return null; if (!isKeySectionBarrier(closing_line)) continue; return contents_line; } } pub fn parseDecoratedJwt(contents: []const u8) []const u8 { var line_it = mem.split(contents, "\n"); return findKeySection(contents, &line_it) orelse return contents; } fn validNkey(text: []const u8) bool { const valid_prefix = mem.startsWith(u8, text, "SO") or mem.startsWith(u8, text, "SA") or mem.startsWith(u8, text, "SU"); const valid_len = text.len >= text_seed_len; return valid_prefix and valid_len; } fn findNkey(text: []const u8) ?[]const u8 { var line_it = std.mem.split(text, "\n"); var current_off: usize = 0; while ( |line| { for (line) |c, i| { if (!ascii.isSpace(c)) { if (validNkey(line[i..])) return line[i..]; break; } } } return null; } pub fn parseDecoratedNkey(contents: []const u8) NoNkeySeedFoundError!SeedKeyPair { var line_it = mem.split(contents, "\n"); var current_off: usize = 0; var seed: ?[]const u8 = null; if (findKeySection(contents, &line_it) != null) seed = findKeySection(contents, &line_it); if (seed == null) seed = findNkey(contents) orelse return error.NoNkeySeedFound; if (!validNkey(seed.?)) return error.NoNkeySeedFound; return SeedKeyPair.fromTextSeed(seed.?[0..text_seed_len]) catch return error.NoNkeySeedFound; } pub fn parseDecoratedUserNkey(contents: []const u8) (NoNkeySeedFoundError || NoNkeyUserSeedFoundError)!SeedKeyPair { var key = try parseDecoratedNkey(contents); if (!mem.startsWith(u8, &key.seedText(), "SU")) return error.NoNkeyUserSeedFound; defer key.wipe(); return key; } test { testing.refAllDecls(@This()); testing.refAllDecls(SeedKeyPair); testing.refAllDecls(PublicKey); testing.refAllDecls(PrivateKey); } test { var key_pair = try SeedKeyPair.generate(PublicPrefixByte.server); var decoded_seed = try SeedKeyPair.fromTextSeed(&key_pair.seedText()); try testing.expect(isValidEncoding(&decoded_seed.seedText())); var pub_key_str_a = key_pair.publicKeyText(); var priv_key_str_a = key_pair.privateKeyText(); try testing.expect(pub_key_str_a.len != 0); try testing.expect(priv_key_str_a.len != 0); try testing.expect(isValidEncoding(&pub_key_str_a)); try testing.expect(isValidEncoding(&priv_key_str_a)); var pub_key = key_pair.intoPublicKey(); var pub_key_str_b = pub_key.publicKeyText(); try testing.expectEqualStrings(&pub_key_str_a, &pub_key_str_b); var priv_key = key_pair.intoPrivateKey(); var priv_key_str_b = priv_key.privateKeyText(); try testing.expectEqualStrings(&priv_key_str_a, &priv_key_str_b); } test "decode" { const kp = try SeedKeyPair.generate(.account); const seed_text = kp.seedText(); const pub_key_text = kp.publicKeyText(); const priv_key_text = kp.privateKeyText(); _ = try SeedKeyPair.fromTextSeed(&seed_text); _ = try PublicKey.fromTextPublicKey(&pub_key_text); _ = try PrivateKey.fromTextPrivateKey(&priv_key_text); try testing.expectError(error.InvalidChecksum, PublicKey.fromTextPublicKey(seed_text[0..text_public_len])); try testing.expectError(error.InvalidChecksum, SeedKeyPair.fromTextSeed(priv_key_text[0..text_seed_len])); } test "seed" { inline for (@typeInfo(PublicPrefixByte).Enum.fields) |field| { const prefix = @field(PublicPrefixByte,; const kp = try SeedKeyPair.generate(prefix); const decoded = try SeedKeyPair.fromTextSeed(&kp.seedText()); if (decoded.prefix != prefix) { std.debug.print("expected prefix {}, found prefix {}\n", .{ prefix, decoded.prefix }); return error.TestUnexpectedError; } } } test "public key" { inline for (@typeInfo(PublicPrefixByte).Enum.fields) |field| { const prefix = @field(PublicPrefixByte,; const kp = try SeedKeyPair.generate(prefix); const decoded_pub_key = try PublicKey.fromTextPublicKey(&kp.publicKeyText()); if (decoded_pub_key.prefix != prefix) { std.debug.print("expected prefix {}, found prefix {}\n", .{ prefix, decoded_pub_key.prefix }); return error.TestUnexpectedError; } } } test "different key types" { inline for (@typeInfo(PublicPrefixByte).Enum.fields) |field| { const prefix = @field(PublicPrefixByte,; const kp = try SeedKeyPair.generate(prefix); _ = try SeedKeyPair.fromTextSeed(&kp.seedText()); const pub_key_str = kp.publicKeyText(); const got_pub_key_prefix = try PublicPrefixByte.fromChar(pub_key_str[0]); try testing.expect(got_pub_key_prefix == prefix); try testing.expect(isValidPublicKey(&pub_key_str, prefix)); const priv_key_str = kp.privateKeyText(); const got_priv_key_prefix = try KeyTypePrefixByte.fromChar(priv_key_str[0]); try testing.expect(got_priv_key_prefix == .private); try testing.expect(isValidPrivateKey(&priv_key_str)); const data = "Hello, world!"; const sig = try kp.sign(data); try testing.expect(sig.len == Ed25519.signature_length); try kp.verify(data, sig); } } test "validation" { const prefixes = @typeInfo(PublicPrefixByte).Enum.fields; inline for (prefixes) |field, i| { const prefix = @field(PublicPrefixByte,; const next_prefix = next: { const next_field_i = if (i == prefixes.len - 1) 0 else i + 1; std.debug.assert(next_field_i != i); break :next @field(PublicPrefixByte, prefixes[next_field_i].name); }; const kp = try SeedKeyPair.generate(prefix); const seed_str = kp.seedText(); const pub_key_str = kp.publicKeyText(); const priv_key_str = kp.privateKeyText(); try testing.expect(isValidSeed(&seed_str, prefix)); try testing.expect(isValidSeed(&seed_str, null)); try testing.expect(isValidPublicKey(&pub_key_str, null)); try testing.expect(isValidPublicKey(&pub_key_str, prefix)); try testing.expect(isValidPrivateKey(&priv_key_str)); try testing.expect(!isValidSeed(&seed_str, next_prefix)); try testing.expect(!isValidSeed(&pub_key_str, null)); try testing.expect(!isValidSeed(&priv_key_str, null)); try testing.expect(!isValidPublicKey(&pub_key_str, next_prefix)); try testing.expect(!isValidPublicKey(&seed_str, null)); try testing.expect(!isValidPublicKey(&priv_key_str, null)); try testing.expect(!isValidPrivateKey(&seed_str)); try testing.expect(!isValidPrivateKey(&pub_key_str)); } try testing.expect(!isValidSeed("seed", null)); try testing.expect(!isValidPublicKey("public key", null)); try testing.expect(!isValidPrivateKey("private key")); } test "from seed" { const kp = try SeedKeyPair.generate(.account); const kp_from_raw = try SeedKeyPair.fromRawSeed(kp.prefix,[0..Ed25519.seed_length]); try testing.expect(std.meta.eql(kp, kp_from_raw)); const data = "Hello, World!"; const sig = try kp.sign(data); const seed = kp.seedText(); try testing.expect(mem.startsWith(u8, &seed, "SA")); const kp2 = try SeedKeyPair.fromTextSeed(&seed); try kp2.verify(data, sig); } test "from public key" { const kp = try SeedKeyPair.generate(.user); const pk_text = kp.publicKeyText(); const pk_text_clone = kp.publicKeyText(); try testing.expectEqualStrings(&pk_text, &pk_text_clone); const pk = try PublicKey.fromTextPublicKey(&pk_text); const pk_text_clone_2 = pk.publicKeyText(); try testing.expect(std.meta.eql(pk, kp.intoPublicKey())); try testing.expect(std.meta.eql(pk, PublicKey.fromRawPublicKey(kp.prefix, &; try testing.expectEqualStrings(&pk_text, &pk_text_clone_2); const data = "Hello, world!"; const sig = try kp.sign(data); try pk.verify(data, sig); // Create another user to sign and make sure verification fails const kp2 = try SeedKeyPair.generate(.user); const sig2 = try kp2.sign(data); try testing.expectError(error.InvalidSignature, pk.verify(data, sig2)); } test "from private key" { const kp = try SeedKeyPair.generate(.account); const pk_text = kp.privateKeyText(); const pk_text_clone = kp.privateKeyText(); try testing.expectEqualStrings(&pk_text, &pk_text_clone); const pk = try PrivateKey.fromTextPrivateKey(&pk_text); const pk_text_clone_2 = pk.privateKeyText(); try testing.expect(std.meta.eql(pk, kp.intoPrivateKey())); try testing.expect(std.meta.eql(kp, pk.intoSeedKeyPair(.account))); try testing.expect(std.meta.eql(pk, PrivateKey.fromRawPrivateKey(&; try testing.expectEqualStrings(&pk_text, &pk_text_clone_2); const data = "Hello, World!"; const sig0 = try kp.sign(data); const sig1 = try pk.sign(data); try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &sig0, &sig1); try pk.verify(data, sig0); try kp.verify(data, sig1); const kp2 = try SeedKeyPair.generate(.account); const sig2 = try kp2.sign(data); try testing.expectError(error.InvalidSignature, pk.verify(data, sig2)); } test "bad decode" { const kp = try SeedKeyPair.fromTextSeed("SAAHPQF3GOP4IP5SHKHCNBOHD5TMGSW4QQL6RTZAPEEYOQ2NRBIAKCCLQA"); var bad_seed = kp.seedText(); bad_seed[1] = 'S'; try testing.expectError(error.InvalidChecksum, SeedKeyPair.fromTextSeed(&bad_seed)); var bad_pub_key = kp.publicKeyText(); bad_pub_key[bad_pub_key.len - 1] = 'O'; bad_pub_key[bad_pub_key.len - 2] = 'O'; try testing.expectError(error.InvalidChecksum, PublicKey.fromTextPublicKey(&bad_pub_key)); var bad_priv_key = kp.privateKeyText(); bad_priv_key[bad_priv_key.len - 1] = 'O'; bad_priv_key[bad_priv_key.len - 2] = 'O'; try testing.expectError(error.InvalidChecksum, PrivateKey.fromTextPrivateKey(&bad_priv_key)); } test "wipe" { const kp = try SeedKeyPair.generate(.account); const pub_key = kp.intoPublicKey(); const priv_key = kp.intoPrivateKey(); var kp_clone = kp; kp_clone.wipe(); try testing.expect(!std.meta.eql(,; var pub_key_clone = pub_key; pub_key_clone.wipe(); try testing.expect(!std.meta.eql(pub_key_clone.key, pub_key.key)); var priv_key_clone = priv_key; priv_key_clone.wipe(); try testing.expect(!std.meta.eql(,; } test "parse decorated JWT (bad)" { try testing.expectEqualStrings("foo", parseDecoratedJwt("foo")); } test "parse decorated seed (bad)" { try testing.expectError(error.NoNkeySeedFound, parseDecoratedNkey("foo")); } test "parse decorated seed and JWT" { const creds = \\-----BEGIN NATS USER JWT----- \\eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJlZDI1NTE5LW5rZXkifQ.eyJqdGkiOiJUWEg1TUxDNTdPTUJUQURYNUJNU0RLWkhSQUtXUFM0TkdHRFFPVlJXRzUyRFdaUlFFVERBIiwiaWF0IjoxNjIxNTgyOTU1LCJpc3MiOiJBQ1ZUQVZMQlFKTklQRjdNWFZWSlpZUFhaTkdFQUZMWVpTUjJSNVRZNk9ESjNSTTRYV0FDNUVFRiIsIm5hbWUiOiJ0ZXN0Iiwic3ViIjoiVUJHSlhLRkVWUlFEM05LM0lDRVc1Q0lDSzM1NkdESVZORkhaRUU0SzdMMkRYWTdORVNQVlFVNEwiLCJuYXRzIjp7InB1YiI6e30sInN1YiI6e30sInN1YnMiOi0xLCJkYXRhIjotMSwicGF5bG9hZCI6LTEsInR5cGUiOiJ1c2VyIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6Mn19.OhPLDZflyJ_keg2xBRDHZZhG5x_Qf_Yb61k9eHLs9zLRf0_ETwMd0PNZI_isuBhXYevobXHVoYA3oxvMVGlDCQ \\------END NATS USER JWT------ \\ \\************************* IMPORTANT ************************* \\NKEY Seed printed below can be used to sign and prove identity. \\NKEYs are sensitive and should be treated as secrets. \\ \\-----BEGIN USER NKEY SEED----- \\SUAGIEYODKBBTUMOB666Z5KA4FCWAZV7HWSGRHOD7MK6UM5IYLWLACH7DQ \\------END USER NKEY SEED------ \\ \\************************************************************* ; const jwt = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJlZDI1NTE5LW5rZXkifQ.eyJqdGkiOiJUWEg1TUxDNTdPTUJUQURYNUJNU0RLWkhSQUtXUFM0TkdHRFFPVlJXRzUyRFdaUlFFVERBIiwiaWF0IjoxNjIxNTgyOTU1LCJpc3MiOiJBQ1ZUQVZMQlFKTklQRjdNWFZWSlpZUFhaTkdFQUZMWVpTUjJSNVRZNk9ESjNSTTRYV0FDNUVFRiIsIm5hbWUiOiJ0ZXN0Iiwic3ViIjoiVUJHSlhLRkVWUlFEM05LM0lDRVc1Q0lDSzM1NkdESVZORkhaRUU0SzdMMkRYWTdORVNQVlFVNEwiLCJuYXRzIjp7InB1YiI6e30sInN1YiI6e30sInN1YnMiOi0xLCJkYXRhIjotMSwicGF5bG9hZCI6LTEsInR5cGUiOiJ1c2VyIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6Mn19.OhPLDZflyJ_keg2xBRDHZZhG5x_Qf_Yb61k9eHLs9zLRf0_ETwMd0PNZI_isuBhXYevobXHVoYA3oxvMVGlDCQ"; const seed = "SUAGIEYODKBBTUMOB666Z5KA4FCWAZV7HWSGRHOD7MK6UM5IYLWLACH7DQ"; var got_kp = try parseDecoratedUserNkey(creds); try testing.expectEqualStrings(seed, &got_kp.seedText()); got_kp = try parseDecoratedNkey(creds); try testing.expectEqualStrings(seed, &got_kp.seedText()); var got_jwt = parseDecoratedJwt(creds); try testing.expectEqualStrings(jwt, got_jwt); }